Source code for desispec.quicklook.qlboxcar

boxcar extraction for Spectra from Desi Image
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
import numpy as np
from desispec.quicklook.palib import resample_spec,get_resolution

[docs]def do_boxcar(image,tset,outwave,boxwidth=2.5,nspec=500,maskFile=None,usesigma=False, quick_resolution=False): """Extracts spectra row by row, given the centroids Args: image : desispec.image object tset: desispec.xytraceset like object outwave: wavelength array for the final spectra output boxwidth: HW box size in pixels usesigma: if True, use sigma from psf file (ysigma) to calculate resolution data. quick_resolution: whether to calculate the resolution matrix or use QuickResolution object Returns flux, ivar, resolution """ import math from desispec.frame import Frame #wavelength=psf.wavelength() # (nspec,npix_y) def calcMask(tset): wmin=tset.wavemin wmax=tset.wavemax waves=np.arange(wmin,wmax,0.25) xs=tset.x_vs_wave(np.arange(tset.nspec),waves) #- xtraces # doing the full image here. ys=tset.y_vs_wave(np.arange(tset.nspec),waves) #- ytraces spectrograph=int(camera[1:]) #- first char is "r", "b", or "z" imshape=image.pix.shape mask=np.zeros((imshape[1],imshape[0])) maxx,maxy=mask.shape maxx=maxx-1 maxy=maxy-1 ranges=np.zeros((mask.shape[1],xs.shape[0]+1),dtype=int) for bin in range(0,len(waves)): ixmaxold=0 for spec in range(0,xs.shape[0]): xpos=xs[spec][bin] ypos=int(ys[spec][bin]) if xpos<0 or xpos>maxx or ypos<0 or ypos>maxy : continue xmin=xpos-boxwidth xmax=xpos+boxwidth ixmin=int(math.floor(xmin)) ixmax=int(math.floor(xmax)) if ixmin <= ixmaxold: print("Error Box width overlaps,",xpos,ypos,ixmin,ixmaxold) return None,None ixmaxold=ixmax if mask[int(xpos)][ypos]>0 : continue # boxing in x vals if ixmin < 0: #int value is less than 0 ixmin=0 rxmin=1.0 else:# take part of the bin depending on real xmin rxmin=1.0-xmin+ixmin if ixmax>maxx:# xmax is bigger than the image ixmax=maxx rxmax=1.0 else: # take the part of the bin depending on real xmax rxmax=xmax-ixmax ranges[ypos][spec+1]=math.ceil(xmax)#end at next column if ranges[ypos][spec]==0: ranges[ypos][spec]=ixmin mask[ixmin][ypos]=rxmin for x in range(ixmin+1,ixmax): mask[x][ypos]=1.0 mask[ixmax][ypos]=rxmax for ypos in range(ranges.shape[0]): lastval=ranges[ypos][0] for sp in range(1,ranges.shape[1]): if ranges[ypos][sp]==0: ranges[ypos][sp]=lastval lastval=ranges[ypos][sp] return mask,ranges if maskFile is not None: import os if os.path.exists(maskFile) and os.path.isfile(maskFile): f=open(maskFile,'rb') npf=np.load(f) mask=npf['mask'] ranges=npf['ranges'] print("Loading mask from file %s"%maskFile) else: print("Mask file is given but doesn't exist. Generating mask and saving to file %s"%maskFile) mask,ranges=calcMask(tset) try: f=open(maskFile,'wb') np.savez(f,mask=mask,ranges=ranges) except: pass else: mask,ranges=calcMask(tset) Tmask=mask.T maskedimg=(image.pix*Tmask) maskedvar=(Tmask/image.ivar.clip(1e-8)) flux=np.zeros((maskedimg.shape[0],ranges.shape[1]-1)) ivar=np.zeros((maskedimg.shape[0],ranges.shape[1]-1)) for r in range(flux.shape[0]): row=np.add.reduceat(maskedimg[r],ranges[r])[:-1] flux[r]=row vrow=np.add.reduceat(maskedvar[r],ranges[r])[:-1] ivar[r]=1/vrow wtarget=outwave #- limit nspec to tset.nspec max if nspec > tset.nspec: nspec=tset.nspec print("Warning! Extracting only {} spectra".format(tset.nspec)) fflux=np.zeros((nspec,len(wtarget))) iivar=np.zeros((nspec,len(wtarget))) #- convert to per angstrom first and then resample to desired wave length grid. for spec in range(nspec): ww=tset.wave_vs_y(spec,np.arange(0,tset.npix_y)) dwave=np.gradient(ww) flux[:,spec]/=dwave ivar[:,spec]*=dwave**2 fflux[spec,:],iivar[spec,:]=resample_spec(ww,flux[:,spec],wtarget,ivar[:,spec]) #- Get resolution from the psf resolution=get_resolution(wtarget,nspec,tset,usesigma=usesigma) return fflux,iivar,resolution