Source code for desispec.scripts.specex

Run PSF estimation.

from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import, division

import sys
import os
import re
import time
import argparse
import numpy as np

import ctypes as ct
from ctypes.util import find_library

from import fits

from desiutil.log import get_logger

def parse(options=None):
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Estimate the PSF for "
        "one frame with specex")
    parser.add_argument("--input-image", type=str, required=True,
                        help="input image")
    parser.add_argument("--input-psf", type=str, required=False,
                        help="input psf file")
    parser.add_argument("-o", "--output-psf", type=str, required=True,
                        help="output psf file")
    parser.add_argument("--bundlesize", type=int, required=False, default=25,
                        help="number of spectra per bundle")
    parser.add_argument("-s", "--specmin", type=int, required=False, default=0,
                        help="first spectrum to extract")
    parser.add_argument("-n", "--nspec", type=int, required=False, default=500,
                        help="number of spectra to extract")
    parser.add_argument("--extra", type=str, required=False, default=None,
                        help="quoted string of arbitrary options to pass to "
    parser.add_argument("--debug", action = 'store_true',
                        help="debug mode")
    parser.add_argument("--broken-fibers", type=str, required=False, default=None,
                        help="comma separated list of broken fibers")
    parser.add_argument("--disable-merge", action = 'store_true',
                        help="disable merging fiber bundles")

    args = None
    if options is None:
        args = parser.parse_args()
        args = parser.parse_args(options)
    return args

def main(args, comm=None):

    log = get_logger()

    #- only import when running, to avoid requiring specex install for import
    from specex.specex import run_specex

    imgfile = args.input_image
    outfile = args.output_psf

    nproc = 1
    rank = 0
    if comm is not None:
        nproc = comm.size
        rank = comm.rank

    if rank == 0 :
        hdr = fits.getheader(imgfile)
    if comm is not None:
        hdr = comm.bcast(hdr, root=0)

    #- Locate line list in $SPECEXDATA or specex/data
    if 'SPECEXDATA' in os.environ:
        specexdata = os.environ['SPECEXDATA']
        from pkg_resources import resource_filename
        specexdata = resource_filename('specex', 'data')

    lamp_lines_file = os.path.join(specexdata,'specex_linelist_desi.txt')

    if args.input_psf is not None:
        inpsffile = args.input_psf
        from desispec.calibfinder import findcalibfile
        inpsffile = findcalibfile([hdr,], 'PSF')

    optarray = []
    if args.extra is not None:
        optarray = args.extra.split()

    specmin = int(args.specmin)
    nspec = int(args.nspec)
    bundlesize = int(args.bundlesize)

    specmax = specmin + nspec

    # Now we divide our spectra into bundles

    checkbundles = set()
    checkbundles.update(np.floor_divide(np.arange(specmin, specmax),
    bundles = sorted(checkbundles)
    nbundle = len(bundles)

    bspecmin = {}
    bnspec = {}
    for b in bundles:
        if specmin > b * bundlesize:
            bspecmin[b] = specmin
            bspecmin[b] = b * bundlesize
        if (b+1) * bundlesize > specmax:
            bnspec[b] = specmax - bspecmin[b]
            bnspec[b] = (b+1) * bundlesize - bspecmin[b]

    # Now we assign bundles to processes

    mynbundle = int(nbundle / nproc)
    leftover = nbundle % nproc
    if rank < leftover:
        mynbundle += 1
        myfirstbundle = bundles[0] + rank * mynbundle
        myfirstbundle = bundles[0] + ((mynbundle + 1) * leftover) + \
            (mynbundle * (rank - leftover))

    if rank == 0:
        # Print parameters"specex:  using {} processes".format(nproc))"specex:  input image = {}".format(imgfile))"specex:  input PSF = {}".format(inpsffile))"specex:  output = {}".format(outfile))"specex:  bundlesize = {}".format(bundlesize))"specex:  specmin = {}".format(specmin))"specex:  specmax = {}".format(specmax))
        if args.broken_fibers :
  "specex:  broken fibers = {}".format(args.broken_fibers))

    # get the root output file

    outpat = re.compile(r'(.*)\.fits')
    outmat = outpat.match(outfile)
    if outmat is None:
        raise RuntimeError("specex output file should have .fits extension")
    outroot =

    outdir = os.path.dirname(outroot)
    if rank == 0:
        if outdir != "" :
            if not os.path.isdir(outdir):

    cam = hdr["camera"].lower().strip()
    band = cam[0]

    failcount = 0

    for b in range(myfirstbundle, myfirstbundle+mynbundle):
        outbundle = "{}_{:02d}".format(outroot, b)
        outbundlefits = "{}.fits".format(outbundle)
        com = ['desi_psf_fit']
        com.extend(['-a', imgfile])
        com.extend(['--in-psf', inpsffile])
        com.extend(['--out-psf', outbundlefits])
        com.extend(['--lamp-lines', lamp_lines_file])
        com.extend(['--first-bundle', "{}".format(b)])
        com.extend(['--last-bundle', "{}".format(b)])
        com.extend(['--first-fiber', "{}".format(bspecmin[b])])
        com.extend(['--last-fiber', "{}".format(bspecmin[b]+bnspec[b]-1)])
        if band == "z" :
            com.extend(['--legendre-deg-wave', "{}".format(3)])
        else :
            com.extend(['--legendre-deg-wave', "{}".format(1)])
        if args.broken_fibers :
            com.extend(['--broken-fibers', "{}".format(args.broken_fibers)])
        if args.debug :

        com.extend(optarray)"proc {} calling {}".format(rank, " ".join(com)))

        retval = run_specex(com)

        if retval != 0:
            comstr = " ".join(com)
            log.error("desi_psf_fit on process {} failed with return "
                "value {} running {}".format(rank, retval, comstr))
            failcount += 1
  "proc {rank} succeeded generating {outbundlefits}")

    if comm is not None:
        from mpi4py import MPI
        failcount = comm.allreduce(failcount, op=MPI.SUM)

    if failcount > 0:
        # all processes throw
        raise RuntimeError("some bundles failed desi_psf_fit")

    if rank == 0:
        outfits = "{}.fits".format(outroot)

        inputs = [ "{}_{:02d}.fits".format(outroot, x) for x in bundles ]

        if args.disable_merge :
  "don't merge")
        else :
            #- Empirically it appears that files written by one rank sometimes
            #- aren't fully buffer-flushed and closed before getting here,
            #- despite the MPI allreduce barrier.  Pause to let I/O catch up.
  '5 sec pause before merging')


  'done merging')

            if failcount == 0:
                # only remove the per-bundle files if the merge was good
                for f in inputs :
                    if os.path.isfile(f):

    if comm is not None:
        failcount = comm.bcast(failcount, root=0)

    if failcount > 0:
        # all processes throw
        raise RuntimeError("merging of per-bundle files failed")


[docs]def run(comm,cmds,cameras): """ Run PSF fits with specex on a set of ccd images in parallel using the run method of the desispec.workflow.schedule.Schedule (Schedule) class. Args: comm: MPI communicator containing all processes available for work and scheduling (usually MPI_COMM_WORLD); at least 21 processes should be available, one for scheduling and (group_size=) 20 to fit all bundles for a given ccd image. Otherwise there is no constraint on the number of ranks available, but (comm.Get_size()-1)%group_size will be unused, since every job is assigned exactly group_size=20 ranks. The variable group_size is set at the number of bundles on a ccd, and there is currently no support for any other number, due to the way merging of bundles is currently done. cmds: dictionary keyed by a camera string (e.g. 'b0', 'r1', ...) with values being the 'desi_compute_psf ...' string that one would run on the command line. cameras: list of camera strings identifying the entries in cmds to be run as jobs in parallel jobs, one entry per ccd image to be fit; entries not in the dictionary will be logged as an error while still continuing with the others and not crashing. The function first defines the procedure to call specex for a given ccd image with the "fitbundles" inline function, passes the fitbundles function to the Schedule initialization method, and then calls the run method of the Schedule class to call fitbundles len(cameras) times, each with group_size = 20 processes. """ from desispec.workflow.schedule import Schedule from desiutil.log import get_logger, DEBUG, INFO log = get_logger() group_size = 20 # reverse to do b cameras last since they take least time cameras = sorted(cameras, reverse=True) def fitbundles(comm,job): ''' Run PSF fit with specex on all bundles for a single ccd image Args: comm: MPI communicator job: job index corresponding to position in list of cmds entries This is an inline function for use by desispec.workflow.schedule.Schedule, i.e. via the lines sc = Schedule(fitbundles,comm=comm,njobs=len(cameras),group_size=group_size) immediately after this inline function definition. This function uses the external variables group_size, cmds, and cameras. In particular, the list of camera strings (cameras) provides the mapping of the job index (job) to the commands (cmds) that specify the arguments to the specex.parse method, i.e. camera = cameras[job] ... cmdargs = cmds[camera].split()[1:] cmdargs = parse(cmdargs) ... From the point of view of the method, it is running fitbundles njobs = len(cameras) times, each time using group_size processes with a new value of job in the range 0 to len(cameras)-1. ''' rank = comm.Get_rank() camera = cameras[job] if not camera in cmds: log.error(f'FAILED: commands for camera {camera} not found for'+ f' MPI group ranks {rank}-{rank+group_size-1}') return if camera in cmds: cmdargs = cmds[camera].split()[1:] cmdargs = parse(cmdargs) if rank == 0: t0 = time.time() timestamp = time.asctime()'MPI ranks {rank}-{rank+group_size-1}'+ f' fitting PSF for {camera} at {timestamp}') try: main(cmdargs, comm=comm) except Exception as e: if rank == 0: log.error(f'FAILED: MPI group ranks {rank}-{rank+group_size-1}'+ f' on camera {camera}') log.error('FAILED: {}'.format(cmds[camera])) log.error(e) if rank == 0: specex_time = time.time() - t0'specex fit for {camera} took {specex_time:.1f} seconds') return sc = Schedule(fitbundles,comm=comm,njobs=len(cameras),group_size=group_size) return
[docs]def compatible(head1, head2) : """ Return bool for whether two FITS headers are compatible for merging PSFs """ log = get_logger() for k in ["PSFTYPE", "NPIX_X", "NPIX_Y", "HSIZEX", "HSIZEY", "FIBERMIN", "FIBERMAX", "NPARAMS", "LEGDEG", "GHDEGX", "GHDEGY"] : if (head1[k] != head2[k]) : log.warning("different {} : {}, {}".format(k, head1[k], head2[k])) return False return True
[docs]def merge_psf(inputs, output): """ Merge individual per-bundle PSF files into full PSF Args: inputs: list of input PSF filenames output: output filename """ log = get_logger() npsf = len(inputs)"Will merge {} PSFs in {}".format(npsf,output)) # we will add/change data to the first PSF[0]) for input_filename in inputs[1:] :"merging {} into {}".format(input_filename,inputs[0])) # look at what fibers where actually fit i=np.where(other_psf_hdulist["PSF"].data["PARAM"]=="STATUS")[0][0] status_of_fibers = \ other_psf_hdulist["PSF"].data["COEFF"][i][:,0].astype(int) selected_fibers = np.where(status_of_fibers==0)[0]"fitted fibers in PSF {} = {}".format(input_filename, selected_fibers)) if selected_fibers.size == 0 : log.warning("no fiber with status=0 found in {}".format( input_filename)) other_psf_hdulist.close() continue # copy xtrace and ytrace psf_hdulist["XTRACE"].data[selected_fibers] = \ other_psf_hdulist["XTRACE"].data[selected_fibers] psf_hdulist["YTRACE"].data[selected_fibers] = \ other_psf_hdulist["YTRACE"].data[selected_fibers] # copy parameters parameters = psf_hdulist["PSF"].data["PARAM"] for param in parameters : i0=np.where(psf_hdulist["PSF"].data["PARAM"]==param)[0][0] i1=np.where(other_psf_hdulist["PSF"].data["PARAM"]==param)[0][0] psf_hdulist["PSF"].data["COEFF"][i0][selected_fibers] = \ other_psf_hdulist["PSF"].data["COEFF"][i1][selected_fibers] # copy bundle chi2 i = np.where(other_psf_hdulist["PSF"].data["PARAM"]=="BUNDLE")[0][0] bundles = np.unique(other_psf_hdulist["PSF"].data["COEFF"][i]\ [selected_fibers,0].astype(int))"fitted bundles in PSF {} = {}".format(input_filename, bundles)) for b in bundles : for key in [ "B{:02d}RCHI2".format(b), "B{:02d}NDATA".format(b), "B{:02d}NPAR".format(b) ]: psf_hdulist["PSF"].header[key] = \ other_psf_hdulist["PSF"].header[key] # close file other_psf_hdulist.close() # write tmpfile = output+'.tmp' psf_hdulist.writeto(tmpfile, overwrite=True) os.rename(tmpfile, output)"Wrote PSF {}".format(output)) return
[docs]def mean_psf(inputs, output): """ Average multiple input PSF files into an output PSF file Args: inputs: list of input PSF files output: output filename """ log = get_logger() npsf = len(inputs)"Will compute the average of {} PSFs".format(npsf)) refhead=None tables=[] xtrace=[] ytrace=[] wavemins=[] wavemaxs=[] hdulist=None bundle_rchi2=[] nbundles=None nfibers_per_bundle=None for input in inputs :"Adding {}".format(input)) if not os.path.isfile(input) : log.warning("missing {}".format(input)) continue if refhead is None : hdulist = psf refhead = psf["PSF"].header nfibers = \ (psf["PSF"].header["FIBERMAX"]-psf["PSF"].header["FIBERMIN"])+1 PSFVER=int(refhead["PSFVER"]) if(PSFVER<3) : log.error("ERROR NEED PSFVER>=3") sys.exit(1) else : if not compatible(psf["PSF"].header,refhead) : log.error("psfs {} and {} are not compatible".format(inputs[0], input)) sys.exit(12) tables.append(psf["PSF"].data) wavemins.append(psf["PSF"].header["WAVEMIN"]) wavemaxs.append(psf["PSF"].header["WAVEMAX"]) if "XTRACE" in psf : xtrace.append(psf["XTRACE"].data) if "YTRACE" in psf : ytrace.append(psf["YTRACE"].data) rchi2=[] b=0 while "B{:02d}RCHI2".format(b) in psf["PSF"].header : rchi2.append(psf["PSF"].header["B{:02d}RCHI2".format(b) ]) b += 1 rchi2=np.array(rchi2) nbundles=rchi2.size bundle_rchi2.append(rchi2) npsf=len(tables) bundle_rchi2=np.array(bundle_rchi2) log.debug("bundle_rchi2= {}".format(str(bundle_rchi2))) median_bundle_rchi2 = np.median(bundle_rchi2) rchi2_threshold=median_bundle_rchi2+1. log.debug("median chi2={} threshold={}".format(median_bundle_rchi2, rchi2_threshold)) WAVEMIN=refhead["WAVEMIN"] WAVEMAX=refhead["WAVEMAX"] FIBERMIN=int(refhead["FIBERMIN"]) FIBERMAX=int(refhead["FIBERMAX"]) fibers_in_bundle={} i=np.where(tables[0]["PARAM"]=="BUNDLE")[0][0] bundle_of_fibers=tables[0]["COEFF"][i][:,0].astype(int) bundles=np.unique(bundle_of_fibers) for b in bundles : fibers_in_bundle[b]=np.where(bundle_of_fibers==b)[0] for entry in range(tables[0].size) : PARAM=tables[0][entry]["PARAM"]"Averaging '{}' coefficients".format(PARAM)) coeff=[tables[0][entry]["COEFF"]] npar=coeff[0][1].size for p in range(1,npsf) : if wavemins[p]==WAVEMIN and wavemaxs[p]==WAVEMAX : coeff.append(tables[p][entry]["COEFF"]) else :"need to refit legendre polynomial ...") from numpy.polynomial.legendre import legval,legfit icoeff = tables[p][entry]["COEFF"] ocoeff = np.zeros(icoeff.shape) # need to reshape legpol iu = np.linspace(-1,1,npar+3) iwavemin = wavemins[p] iwavemax = wavemaxs[p] wave = (iu+1.)/2.*(iwavemax-iwavemin)+iwavemin ou = (wave-WAVEMIN)/(WAVEMAX-WAVEMIN)*2.-1. for f in range(icoeff.shape[0]) : val = legval(iu,icoeff[f]) ocoeff[f] = legfit(ou,val,deg=npar-1) coeff.append(ocoeff) coeff=np.array(coeff) output_rchi2=np.zeros((bundle_rchi2.shape[1])) output_coeff=np.zeros(tables[0][entry]["COEFF"].shape) # now merge, using rchi2 as selection score for bundle in fibers_in_bundle.keys() : ok=np.where(bundle_rchi2[:,bundle]<rchi2_threshold)[0] #ok=np.array([0,1]) # debug if entry==0 :"for fiber bundle {}, {} valid PSFs".format(bundle, ok.size)) # We finally resorted to use a mean instead of a median here for two reasons. # First, there is already a vetting of PSF bundles with good chi2 above # that protects us from bad fits (we only expect outliers because of bad fits because of cosmic rays, # not a glitch in hardware). Second, some of the PSF parameters have large correlations, # which mean that two pairs of parameter values, like (p_a_i,p_b_i) and (p_a_j,p_b_j) (with a,b param # indexes and i,j exposure indices) may give similar PSFs despite large noise in individual parameters # but a median could decide to select a pair like (p_a_i,p_b_j) that could lead to a PSF inconsistent # with data. Using a mean instead of a median protects us from this situation. if ok.size>=2 : # use mean log.debug("bundle #{} : use mean".format(bundle)) for f in fibers_in_bundle[bundle] : output_coeff[f]=np.mean(coeff[ok,f],axis=0) output_rchi2[bundle]=np.mean(bundle_rchi2[ok,bundle]) elif ok.size==1 : # copy log.debug("bundle #{} : use only one psf ".format(bundle)) for f in fibers_in_bundle[bundle] : output_coeff[f]=coeff[ok[0],f] output_rchi2[bundle]=bundle_rchi2[ok[0],bundle] else : # we have a problem here, take the smallest rchi2 log.debug("bundle #{} : take smallest chi2 ".format(bundle)) i=np.argmin(bundle_rchi2[:,bundle]) for f in fibers_in_bundle[bundle] : output_coeff[f]=coeff[i,f] output_rchi2[bundle]=bundle_rchi2[i,bundle] # now copy this in output table hdulist["PSF"].data["COEFF"][entry]=output_coeff # change bundle chi2 for bundle in range(output_rchi2.size) : hdulist["PSF"].header["B{:02d}RCHI2".format(bundle)] = \ output_rchi2[bundle] # alter other keys in header hdulist["PSF"].header["EXPID"]=0. # it's a mix, need to add the expids if len(xtrace)>0 : xtrace=np.array(xtrace) ytrace=np.array(ytrace) npar = xtrace.shape[2] # assume all have same npar for p in range(xtrace.shape[0]) : if wavemins[p]==WAVEMIN and wavemaxs[p]==WAVEMAX : continue # need to reshape legpol iu = np.linspace(-1,1,npar+3) iwavemin = wavemins[p] iwavemax = wavemaxs[p] wave = (iu+1.)/2.*(iwavemax-iwavemin)+iwavemin ou = (wave-WAVEMIN)/(WAVEMAX-WAVEMIN)*2.-1. for f in range(icoeff.shape[0]): val = legval(iu,xtrace[p][f]) xtrace[p][f] = legfit(ou,val,deg=npar-1) val = legval(iu,ytrace[p][f]) ytrace[p][f] = legfit(ou,val,deg=npar-1) hdulist["xtrace"].data = np.mean(xtrace,axis=0) hdulist["ytrace"].data = np.mean(ytrace,axis=0) for hdu in ["XTRACE","YTRACE","PSF"] : if hdu in hdulist : for input in inputs : hdulist[hdu].header["comment"] = "inc {}".format(input) # save output PSF tmpfile = output+'.tmp' hdulist.writeto(tmpfile, overwrite=True) os.rename(tmpfile, output)"wrote {}".format(output)) return