Source code for desispec.scripts.stdstars

Get the normalized best template to do flux calibration.

#- TODO: refactor algorithmic code into a separate module/function

import argparse
import sys

import numpy as np
from import fits
from astropy import units
from astropy.table import Table
import astropy.coordinates as acoo

import desispec.fluxcalibration
from desispec import io
from desispec.fluxcalibration import match_templates,normalize_templates,isStdStar
from desispec.interpolation import resample_flux
from desiutil.log import get_logger
from desispec.parallel import default_nproc
from import load_legacy_survey_filter, load_gaia_filter
from desiutil.dust import dust_transmission,extinction_total_to_selective_ratio, SFDMap, gaia_extinction
from desispec.fiberbitmasking import get_fiberbitmasked_frame

def parse(options=None):
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Fit of standard star spectra in frames.")
    parser.add_argument('--frames', type = str, default = None, required=True, nargs='*',
                        help = 'list of path to DESI frame fits files (needs to be same exposure, spectro)')
    parser.add_argument('--skymodels', type = str, default = None, required=True, nargs='*',
                        help = 'list of path to DESI sky model fits files (needs to be same exposure, spectro)')
    parser.add_argument('--fiberflats', type = str, default = None, required=True, nargs='*',
                        help = 'list of path to DESI fiberflats fits files (needs to be same exposure, spectro)')
    parser.add_argument('--starmodels', type = str, help = 'path of spectro-photometric stellar spectra fits')
    parser.add_argument('-o','--outfile', type = str, help = 'output file for normalized stdstar model flux')
    parser.add_argument('--ncpu', type = int, default = default_nproc, required = False, help = 'use ncpu for multiprocessing')
    parser.add_argument('--delta-color', type = float, default = 0.2, required = False, help = 'max delta-color for the selection of standard stars (on top of meas. errors)')
    parser.add_argument('--color', type = str, default = None, choices=['G-R', 'R-Z', 'GAIA-BP-RP','GAIA-G-RP'], required = False, help = 'color for selection of standard stars')
    parser.add_argument('--z-max', type = float, default = 0.008, required = False, help = 'max peculiar velocity (blue/red)shift range')
    parser.add_argument('--z-res', type = float, default = 0.00002, required = False, help = 'dz grid resolution')
    parser.add_argument('--template-error', type = float, default = 0.1, required = False, help = 'fractional template error used in chi2 computation (about 0.1 for BOSS b1)')
    parser.add_argument('--maxstdstars', type=int, default=30, \
            help='Maximum number of stdstars to include')
    parser.add_argument('--std-targetids', type=int, default=None,
                         help='List of TARGETIDs of standards overriding the targeting info')
    parser.add_argument('--mpi', action='store_true', help='Use MPI')
    parser.add_argument('--ignore-gpu', action='store_true', help='Ignore GPU, if available')

    log = get_logger()
    args = None
    if options is None:
        args = parser.parse_args()
        cmd = ' '.join(sys.argv)
        args = parser.parse_args(options)
        cmd = 'desi_fit_stdstars ' + ' '.join(options)'RUNNING {}'.format(cmd))

    return args

def safe_read_key(header,key) :
    value = None
    try :
    except KeyError :
        value = None
    if value is None : # second try
    return value

[docs]def get_gaia_ab_correction(): """ Get the dictionary with corrections from AB magnitudes to Vega magnitudes (as the official gaia catalog is in vega) """ vega_zpt = dict(G=25.6914396869, BP=25.3488107670, RP=24.7626744847) ab_zpt=dict(G=25.7915509947, BP=25.3861560855, RP=25.1161664528) # revised dr2 zpts from ret = {} for k in vega_zpt.keys(): ret['GAIA-'+k] = vega_zpt[k] - ab_zpt[k] # these corrections need to be added to convert # the simulated ab into vega return ret
[docs]def get_magnitude(stdwave, model, model_filters, cur_filt): """ Obtain magnitude for a filter taking into account the ab/vega correction if needed. Wwe assume the flux is in units of 1e-17 erg/s/cm^2/A """ fluxunits = 1e-17 * units.erg / units.s /**2 / units.Angstrom # AB/Vega correction if cur_filt[:5] == 'GAIA-': corr = get_gaia_ab_correction()[cur_filt] else: corr = 0 if not(cur_filt in model_filters): raise Exception(('Filter {} is not present in models').format(cur_filt)) # see # to explain copy() retmag = model_filters[cur_filt].get_ab_magnitude(model * fluxunits, stdwave.copy())+ corr return retmag
[docs]def main(args, comm=None) : """ finds the best models of all standard stars in the frame and normlize the model flux. Output is written to a file and will be called for calibration. """ log = get_logger()"mag delta %s = %f (for the pre-selection of stellar models)"%(args.color,args.delta_color)) if args.mpi or comm is not None: from mpi4py import MPI if comm is None: comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD size = comm.Get_size() rank = comm.Get_rank() if rank == 0:'mpi parallelizing with {} ranks'.format(size)) else: comm = None rank = 0 size = 1 # disable multiprocess by forcing ncpu = 1 when using MPI if comm is not None: ncpu = 1 if rank == 0:'disabling multiprocess (forcing ncpu = 1)') else: ncpu = args.ncpu if ncpu > 1: if rank == 0:'multiprocess parallelizing with {} processes'.format(ncpu)) if args.ignore_gpu and desispec.fluxcalibration.use_gpu: # Opt-out of GPU usage desispec.fluxcalibration.use_gpu = False if rank == 0:'ignoring GPU') elif desispec.fluxcalibration.use_gpu: # Nothing to do here, GPU is used by default if available if rank == 0:'using GPU') else: if rank == 0:'GPU not available') std_targetids = None if args.std_targetids is not None: std_targetids = args.std_targetids # READ DATA ############################################ # First loop through and group by exposure and spectrograph frames_by_expid = {} rows = list() for filename in args.frames :"reading %s"%filename) frame=io.read_frame(filename) night = safe_read_key(frame.meta,"NIGHT") expid = safe_read_key(frame.meta,"EXPID") camera = safe_read_key(frame.meta,"CAMERA").strip().lower() rows.append( (night, expid, camera) ) spec = camera[1] uniq_key = (expid,spec) if uniq_key in frames_by_expid.keys(): frames_by_expid[uniq_key][camera] = frame else: frames_by_expid[uniq_key] = {camera: frame} input_frames_table = Table(rows=rows, names=('NIGHT', 'EXPID', 'CAMERA')) frames={} flats={} skies={} spectrograph=None starfibers=None starindices=None fibermap=None # For each unique expid,spec pair, get the logical OR of the FIBERSTATUS for all # cameras and then proceed with extracting the frame information # once we modify the fibermap FIBERSTATUS for (expid,spec),camdict in frames_by_expid.items(): fiberstatus = None for frame in camdict.values(): if fiberstatus is None: fiberstatus = frame.fibermap['FIBERSTATUS'].data.copy() else: fiberstatus |= frame.fibermap['FIBERSTATUS'] for camera,frame in camdict.items(): frame.fibermap['FIBERSTATUS'] |= fiberstatus # Set fibermask flagged spectra to have 0 flux and variance frame = get_fiberbitmasked_frame(frame,bitmask='stdstars',ivar_framemask=True) frame_fibermap = frame.fibermap if std_targetids is None: frame_starindices = np.where(isStdStar(frame_fibermap))[0] else: frame_starindices = np.nonzero(np.isin(frame_fibermap['TARGETID'], std_targetids))[0] #- Confirm that all fluxes have entries but trust targeting bits #- to get basic magnitude range correct keep_legacy = np.ones(len(frame_starindices), dtype=bool) for colname in ['FLUX_G', 'FLUX_R', 'FLUX_Z']: #- and W1 and W2? keep_legacy &= frame_fibermap[colname][frame_starindices] > 10**((22.5-30)/2.5) keep_legacy &= frame_fibermap[colname][frame_starindices] < 10**((22.5-0)/2.5) keep_gaia = np.ones(len(frame_starindices), dtype=bool) for colname in ['G', 'BP', 'RP']: #- and W1 and W2? keep_gaia &= frame_fibermap['GAIA_PHOT_'+colname+'_MEAN_MAG'][frame_starindices] > 10 keep_gaia &= frame_fibermap['GAIA_PHOT_'+colname+'_MEAN_MAG'][frame_starindices] < 20 n_legacy_std = keep_legacy.sum() n_gaia_std = keep_gaia.sum() keep = keep_legacy | keep_gaia # accept both types of standards for the time being # keep the indices for gaia/legacy subsets gaia_indices = keep_gaia[keep] legacy_indices = keep_legacy[keep] frame_starindices = frame_starindices[keep] if spectrograph is None : spectrograph = frame.spectrograph fibermap = frame_fibermap starindices=frame_starindices starfibers=fibermap["FIBER"][starindices] elif spectrograph != frame.spectrograph : log.error("incompatible spectrographs {} != {}".format(spectrograph,frame.spectrograph)) raise ValueError("incompatible spectrographs {} != {}".format(spectrograph,frame.spectrograph)) elif starindices.size != frame_starindices.size or np.sum(starindices!=frame_starindices)>0 : log.error("incompatible fibermap") raise ValueError("incompatible fibermap") if not camera in frames : frames[camera]=[] frames[camera].append(frame) # possibly cleanup memory del frames_by_expid for filename in args.skymodels :"reading %s"%filename) sky=io.read_sky(filename) camera=safe_read_key(sky.header,"CAMERA").strip().lower() if not camera in skies : skies[camera]=[] skies[camera].append(sky) for filename in args.fiberflats :"reading %s"%filename) flat=io.read_fiberflat(filename) camera=safe_read_key(flat.header,"CAMERA").strip().lower() # NEED TO ADD MORE CHECKS if camera in flats: log.warning("cannot handle several flats of same camera (%s), will use only the first one"%camera) #raise ValueError("cannot handle several flats of same camera (%s)"%camera) else : flats[camera]=flat # if color is not specified we decide on the fly color = args.color if color is not None: if color[:4] == 'GAIA': legacy_color = False gaia_color = True else: legacy_color = True gaia_color = False if n_legacy_std == 0 and legacy_color: raise Exception('Specified Legacy survey color, but no legacy standards') if n_gaia_std == 0 and gaia_color: raise Exception('Specified gaia color, but no gaia stds') if starindices.size == 0: log.error("no STD star found in fibermap") raise ValueError("no STD star found in fibermap")"found %d STD stars" % starindices.size) if n_legacy_std == 0: gaia_std = True if color is None: color = 'GAIA-BP-RP' else: gaia_std = False if color is None: color='G-R' if n_gaia_std > 0:'Gaia standards found but not used') if gaia_std: # The name of the reference filter to which we normalize the flux ref_mag_name = 'GAIA-G' color_band1, color_band2 = ['GAIA-'+ _ for _ in color[5:].split('-')]"Using Gaia standards with color {} and normalizing to {}".format(color, ref_mag_name)) # select appropriate subset of standards starindices = starindices[gaia_indices] starfibers = starfibers[gaia_indices] else: ref_mag_name = 'R' color_band1, color_band2 = color.split('-')"Using Legacy standards with color {} and normalizing to {}".format(color, ref_mag_name)) # select appropriate subset of standards starindices = starindices[legacy_indices] starfibers = starfibers[legacy_indices] # excessive check but just in case if not color in ['G-R', 'R-Z', 'GAIA-BP-RP', 'GAIA-G-RP']: raise ValueError('Unknown color {}'.format(color)) # log.warning("Not using flux errors for Standard Star fits!") # DIVIDE FLAT AND SUBTRACT SKY , TRIM DATA ############################################ # since poping dict, we need to copy keys to iterate over to avoid # RuntimeError due to changing dict frame_cams = list(frames.keys()) for cam in frame_cams: if not cam in skies: log.warning("Missing sky for %s"%cam) frames.pop(cam) continue if not cam in flats: log.warning("Missing flat for %s"%cam) frames.pop(cam) continue flat=flats[cam] for frame,sky in zip(frames[cam],skies[cam]) : frame.flux = frame.flux[starindices] frame.ivar = frame.ivar[starindices] frame.ivar *= (frame.mask[starindices] == 0) frame.ivar *= (sky.ivar[starindices] != 0) frame.ivar *= (sky.mask[starindices] == 0) frame.ivar *= (flat.ivar[starindices] != 0) frame.ivar *= (flat.mask[starindices] == 0) frame.flux *= ( frame.ivar > 0) # just for clean plots for star in range(frame.flux.shape[0]) : ok=np.where((frame.ivar[star]>0)&(flat.fiberflat[star]!=0))[0] if ok.size > 0 : frame.flux[star] = frame.flux[star]/flat.fiberflat[star] - sky.flux[star] frame.resolution_data = frame.resolution_data[starindices] nframes=len(frames[cam]) if nframes>1 : # optimal weights for the coaddition = ivar*throughput, not directly ivar, # we estimate the relative throughput with median fluxes at this stage medflux=np.zeros(nframes) for i,frame in enumerate(frames[cam]) : if np.sum(frame.ivar>0) == 0 : log.error("ivar=0 for all std star spectra in frame {}-{:08d}".format(cam,frame.meta["EXPID"])) else : medflux[i] = np.median(frame.flux[frame.ivar>0]) log.debug("medflux = {}".format(medflux)) medflux *= (medflux>0) if np.sum(medflux>0)==0 : log.error("mean median flux = 0, for all stars in fibers {}".format(list(frames[cam][0].fibermap["FIBER"][starindices]))) sys.exit(12) mmedflux = np.mean(medflux[medflux>0]) weights=medflux/mmedflux"coadding {} exposures in cam {}, w={}".format(nframes,cam,weights)) sw=np.zeros(frames[cam][0].flux.shape) swf=np.zeros(frames[cam][0].flux.shape) swr=np.zeros(frames[cam][0].resolution_data.shape) for i,frame in enumerate(frames[cam]) : sw += weights[i]*frame.ivar swf += weights[i]*frame.ivar*frame.flux swr += weights[i]*frame.ivar[:,None,:]*frame.resolution_data coadded_frame = frames[cam][0] coadded_frame.ivar = sw coadded_frame.flux = swf/(sw+(sw==0)) coadded_frame.resolution_data = swr/((sw+(sw==0))[:,None,:]) frames[cam] = [ coadded_frame ] # CHECK S/N ############################################ # for each band in 'brz', record quadratic sum of median S/N across wavelength snr=dict() for band in ['b','r','z'] : snr[band]=np.zeros(starindices.size) for cam in frames : band=cam[0].lower() for frame in frames[cam] : msnr = np.median( frame.flux * np.sqrt( frame.ivar ) / np.sqrt(np.gradient(frame.wave)) , axis=1 ) # median SNR per sqrt(A.) msnr *= (msnr>0) snr[band] = np.sqrt( snr[band]**2 + msnr**2 )"SNR(B) = {}".format(snr['b'])) ############################### max_number_of_stars = 50 min_blue_snr = 4. ############################### indices=np.argsort(snr['b'])[::-1][:max_number_of_stars] validstars = np.where(snr['b'][indices]>min_blue_snr)[0] #- TODO: later we filter on models based upon color, thus throwing #- away very blue stars for which we don't have good models."Number of stars with median stacked blue S/N > {} /sqrt(A) = {}".format(min_blue_snr,validstars.size)) if validstars.size == 0 : log.error("No valid star") sys.exit(12) validstars = indices[validstars] for band in ['b','r','z'] : snr[band]=snr[band][validstars]"BLUE SNR of selected stars={}".format(snr['b'])) for cam in frames : for frame in frames[cam] : frame.flux = frame.flux[validstars] frame.ivar = frame.ivar[validstars] frame.resolution_data = frame.resolution_data[validstars] starindices = starindices[validstars] starfibers = starfibers[validstars] nstars = starindices.size fibermap = Table(fibermap[starindices]) # MASK OUT THROUGHPUT DIP REGION ############################################ mask_throughput_dip_region = True if mask_throughput_dip_region : wmin=4300. wmax=4500. log.warning("Masking out the wavelength region [{},{}]A in the standard star fit".format(wmin,wmax)) for cam in frames : for frame in frames[cam] : ii=np.where( (frame.wave>=wmin)&(frame.wave<=wmax) )[0] if ii.size>0 : frame.ivar[:,ii] = 0 # READ MODELS ############################################"reading star models in %s"%args.starmodels) stdwave,stdflux,templateid,teff,logg,feh=io.read_stdstar_templates(args.starmodels) # COMPUTE MAGS OF MODELS FOR EACH STD STAR MAG ############################################ #- Support older fibermaps if 'PHOTSYS' not in fibermap.colnames: log.warning('Old fibermap format; using defaults for missing columns') log.warning(" PHOTSYS = 'S'") log.warning(" EBV = 0.0") fibermap['PHOTSYS'] = 'S' fibermap['EBV'] = 0.0 if not np.in1d(np.unique(fibermap['PHOTSYS']),['','N','S','G']).all(): log.error('Unknown PHOTSYS found') raise Exception('Unknown PHOTSYS found') # Fetching Filter curves model_filters = dict() for band in ["G","R","Z"] : for photsys in np.unique(fibermap['PHOTSYS']) : if photsys in ['N','S']: model_filters[band+photsys] = load_legacy_survey_filter(band=band,photsys=photsys) if len(model_filters) == 0:'No Legacy survey photometry identified in fibermap') # I will always load gaia data even if we are fitting LS standards only for band in ["G", "BP", "RP"] : model_filters["GAIA-" + band] = load_gaia_filter(band=band, dr=2) # Compute model mags on rank 0 and bcast result to other ranks # This sidesteps an OOM event on Cori Haswell with "-c 2" model_mags = None if rank == 0:"computing model mags for %s"%sorted(model_filters.keys())) model_mags = dict() for filter_name in model_filters.keys(): model_mags[filter_name] = get_magnitude(stdwave, stdflux, model_filters, filter_name)"done computing model mags") if comm is not None: model_mags = comm.bcast(model_mags, root=0) # LOOP ON STARS TO FIND BEST MODEL ############################################ star_mags = dict() star_unextincted_mags = dict() if gaia_std and (fibermap['EBV']==0).all():"Using E(B-V) from SFD rather than FIBERMAP") # when doing gaia standards, on old tiles the # EBV is not set so we fetch from SFD (in original SFD scaling) ebv = SFDMap(scaling=1).ebv(acoo.SkyCoord( ra = fibermap['TARGET_RA'] * units.deg, dec = fibermap['TARGET_DEC'] * units.deg)) else: ebv = fibermap['EBV'] photometric_systems = np.unique(fibermap['PHOTSYS']) if not gaia_std: for band in ['G', 'R', 'Z']: star_mags[band] = 22.5 - 2.5 * np.log10(fibermap['FLUX_'+band]) star_unextincted_mags[band] = np.zeros(star_mags[band].shape) for photsys in photometric_systems : r_band = extinction_total_to_selective_ratio(band , photsys) # dimensionless # r_band = a_band / E(B-V) # E(B-V) is a difference of magnitudes (dimensionless) # a_band = -2.5*log10(effective dust transmission) , dimensionless # effective dust transmission = # integral( SED(lambda) * filter_transmission(lambda,band) * dust_transmission(lambda,E(B-V)) dlamdba) # / integral( SED(lambda) * filter_transmission(lambda,band) dlamdba) selection = (fibermap['PHOTSYS'] == photsys) a_band = r_band * ebv[selection] # dimensionless star_unextincted_mags[band][selection] = 22.5 - 2.5 * np.log10(fibermap['FLUX_'+band][selection]) - a_band for band in ['G','BP','RP']: star_mags['GAIA-'+band] = fibermap['GAIA_PHOT_'+band+'_MEAN_MAG'] for band, extval in gaia_extinction(star_mags['GAIA-G'], star_mags['GAIA-BP'], star_mags['GAIA-RP'], ebv).items(): star_unextincted_mags['GAIA-'+band] = star_mags['GAIA-'+band] - extval star_colors = dict() star_unextincted_colors = dict() # compute the colors and define the unextincted colors # the unextincted colors are filled later if not gaia_std: for c1,c2 in ['GR', 'RZ']: star_colors[c1 + '-' + c2] = star_mags[c1] - star_mags[c2] star_unextincted_colors[c1 + '-' + c2] = ( star_unextincted_mags[c1] - star_unextincted_mags[c2]) for c1,c2 in [('BP','RP'), ('G','RP')]: star_colors['GAIA-' + c1 + '-' + c2] = ( star_mags['GAIA-' + c1] - star_mags['GAIA-' + c2]) star_unextincted_colors['GAIA-' + c1 + '-' + c2] = ( star_unextincted_mags['GAIA-' + c1] - star_unextincted_mags['GAIA-' + c2]) linear_coefficients=np.zeros((nstars,stdflux.shape[0])) chi2dof=np.zeros((nstars)) redshift=np.zeros((nstars)) normflux=np.zeros((nstars, stdwave.size)) fitted_model_colors = np.zeros(nstars) local_comm, head_comm = None, None if comm is not None: # All ranks in local_comm work on the same stars local_comm = comm.Split(rank % nstars, rank) # The color 1 in head_comm contains all ranks that are have rank 0 in local_comm head_comm = comm.Split(rank < nstars, rank) for star in range(rank % nstars, nstars, size):"rank %d: finding best model for observed star #%d"%(rank, star)) # np.array of wave,flux,ivar,resol wave = {} flux = {} ivar = {} resolution_data = {} for camera in frames : for i,frame in enumerate(frames[camera]) : identifier="%s-%d"%(camera,i) wave[identifier]=frame.wave flux[identifier]=frame.flux[star] ivar[identifier]=frame.ivar[star] resolution_data[identifier]=frame.resolution_data[star] # preselect models based on magnitudes photsys=fibermap['PHOTSYS'][star] if gaia_std: model_colors = model_mags[color_band1] - model_mags[color_band2] else: model_colors = model_mags[color_band1 + photsys] - model_mags[color_band2 + photsys] color_diff = model_colors - star_unextincted_colors[color][star] selection = np.abs(color_diff) < args.delta_color if np.sum(selection) == 0 : log.warning("no model in the selected color range for this star") continue # smallest cube in parameter space including this selection (needed for interpolation) new_selection = (teff>=np.min(teff[selection]))&(teff<=np.max(teff[selection])) new_selection &= (logg>=np.min(logg[selection]))&(logg<=np.max(logg[selection])) new_selection &= (feh>=np.min(feh[selection]))&(feh<=np.max(feh[selection])) selection = np.where(new_selection)[0]"star#%d fiber #%d, %s = %f, number of pre-selected models = %d/%d"%( star, starfibers[star], color, star_unextincted_colors[color][star], selection.size, stdflux.shape[0])) # Match unextincted standard stars to data match_templates_result = match_templates( wave, flux, ivar, resolution_data, stdwave, stdflux[selection], teff[selection], logg[selection], feh[selection], ncpu=ncpu, z_max=args.z_max, z_res=args.z_res, template_error=args.template_error, comm=local_comm ) # Only local rank 0 can perform the remaining work if local_comm is not None and local_comm.Get_rank() != 0: continue coefficients, redshift[star], chi2dof[star] = match_templates_result linear_coefficients[star,selection] = coefficients'Star Fiber: {}; TEFF: {:.3f}; LOGG: {:.3f}; FEH: {:.3f}; Redshift: {:g}; Chisq/dof: {:.3f}'.format( starfibers[star], np.inner(teff,linear_coefficients[star]), np.inner(logg,linear_coefficients[star]), np.inner(feh,linear_coefficients[star]), redshift[star], chi2dof[star]) ) # Apply redshift to original spectrum at full resolution model=np.zeros(stdwave.size) redshifted_stdwave = stdwave*(1+redshift[star]) for i,c in enumerate(linear_coefficients[star]) : if c != 0 : model += c*np.interp(stdwave,redshifted_stdwave,stdflux[i]) # Apply dust extinction to the model"Applying MW dust extinction to star {} with EBV = {}".format(star,ebv[star])) model *= dust_transmission(stdwave, ebv[star]) # Compute final color of dust-extincted model photsys=fibermap['PHOTSYS'][star] if not gaia_std: model_mag1, model_mag2 = [get_magnitude(stdwave, model, model_filters, _ + photsys) for _ in [color_band1, color_band2]] else: model_mag1, model_mag2 = [get_magnitude(stdwave, model, model_filters, _ ) for _ in [color_band1, color_band2]] if color_band1 == ref_mag_name: model_magr = model_mag1 elif color_band2 == ref_mag_name: model_magr = model_mag2 else: # if the reference magnitude is not among colours # I'm fetching it separately. This will happen when # colour is BP-RP and ref magnitude is G if gaia_std: model_magr = get_magnitude(stdwave, model, model_filters, ref_mag_name) else: model_magr = get_magnitude(stdwave, model, model_filters, ref_mag_name + photsys) fitted_model_colors[star] = model_mag1 - model_mag2 #- TODO: move this back into normalize_templates, at the cost of #- recalculating a model magnitude? cur_refmag = star_mags[ref_mag_name][star] # Normalize the best model using reported magnitude scalefac=10**((model_magr - cur_refmag)/2.5)'scaling {} mag {:.3f} to {:.3f} using scale {}'.format(ref_mag_name, model_magr, cur_refmag, scalefac)) normflux[star] = model*scalefac if head_comm is not None and rank < nstars: # head_comm color is 1 linear_coefficients = head_comm.reduce(linear_coefficients, op=MPI.SUM, root=0) redshift = head_comm.reduce(redshift, op=MPI.SUM, root=0) chi2dof = head_comm.reduce(chi2dof, op=MPI.SUM, root=0) fitted_model_colors = head_comm.reduce(fitted_model_colors, op=MPI.SUM, root=0) normflux = head_comm.reduce(normflux, op=MPI.SUM, root=0) # Check at least one star was fit. The check is peformed on rank 0 and # the result is bcast to other ranks so that all ranks exit together if # the check fails. atleastonestarfit = False if rank == 0: fitted_stars = np.where(chi2dof != 0)[0] atleastonestarfit = fitted_stars.size > 0 if comm is not None: atleastonestarfit = comm.bcast(atleastonestarfit, root=0) if not atleastonestarfit: log.error("No star has been fit.") sys.exit(12) # Now write the normalized flux for all best models to a file if rank == 0: # get the fibermap from any input frame for the standard stars fibermap = Table(frame.fibermap) keep = np.isin(fibermap['FIBER'], starfibers[fitted_stars]) fibermap = fibermap[keep] # drop fibermap columns specific to exposures instead of targets for col in ['DELTA_X', 'DELTA_Y', 'EXPTIME', 'NUM_ITER', 'FIBER_RA', 'FIBER_DEC', 'FIBER_X', 'FIBER_Y']: if col in fibermap.colnames: fibermap.remove_column(col) data={} data['LOGG']=linear_coefficients[fitted_stars,:].dot(logg) data['TEFF']= linear_coefficients[fitted_stars,:].dot(teff) data['FEH']= linear_coefficients[fitted_stars,:].dot(feh) data['CHI2DOF']=chi2dof[fitted_stars] data['REDSHIFT']=redshift[fitted_stars] data['COEFF']=linear_coefficients[fitted_stars,:] data['DATA_%s'%color]=star_colors[color][fitted_stars] data['MODEL_%s'%color]=fitted_model_colors[fitted_stars] data['BLUE_SNR'] = snr['b'][fitted_stars] data['RED_SNR'] = snr['r'][fitted_stars] data['NIR_SNR'] = snr['z'][fitted_stars] io.write_stdstar_models(args.outfile,normflux,stdwave, starfibers[fitted_stars],data, fibermap, input_frames_table)