Source code for


Utility functions to compute a sky model and subtract it.

import os
import numpy as np
from collections import OrderedDict

from desispec.resolution import Resolution
from desispec.linalg import cholesky_solve
from desispec.linalg import cholesky_invert
from desispec.linalg import spline_fit
from desiutil.log import get_logger
from desispec import util
from desiutil import stats as dustat
import scipy,scipy.sparse,scipy.stats,scipy.ndimage
from scipy.signal import fftconvolve
import sys
from desispec.fiberbitmasking import get_fiberbitmasked_frame_arrays, get_fiberbitmasked_frame
import scipy.ndimage
from desispec.maskbits import specmask
from desispec.preproc import get_amp_ids,parse_sec_keyword
from import findfile,read_xytraceset
from desispec.calibfinder import CalibFinder
from desispec.preproc import get_amp_ids

[docs]def compute_sky(frame, nsig_clipping=4.,max_iterations=100,model_ivar=False,add_variance=True,angular_variation_deg=0,chromatic_variation_deg=0,\ adjust_wavelength=False,adjust_lsf=False,\ only_use_skyfibers_for_adjustments=True,pcacorr=None,fit_offsets=False,fiberflat=None) : """Compute a sky model. Input flux are expected to be flatfielded! We don't check this in this routine. Args: frame : Frame object, which includes attributes - wave : 1D wavelength grid in Angstroms - flux : 2D flux[nspec, nwave] density - ivar : 2D inverse variance of flux - mask : 2D inverse mask flux (0=good) - resolution_data : 3D[nspec, ndiag, nwave] (only sky fibers) nsig_clipping : [optional] sigma clipping value for outlier rejection Optional: max_iterations : int , number of iterations model_ivar : replace ivar by a model to avoid bias due to correlated flux and ivar. this has a negligible effect on sims. add_variance : evaluate calibration error and add this to the sky model variance angular_variation_deg : Degree of polynomial for sky flux variation with focal plane coordinates (default=0, i.e. no correction, a uniform sky) chromatic_variation_deg : Wavelength degree for the chromatic x angular terms. If negative, use as many 2D polynomials of x and y as wavelength entries. adjust_wavelength : adjust the wavelength of the sky model on sky lines to improve the sky subtraction adjust_lsf : adjust the LSF width of the sky model on sky lines to improve the sky subtraction only_use_skyfibers_for_adjustments: interpolate adjustments using sky fibers only pcacorr : SkyCorrPCA object to interpolate the wavelength or LSF adjustment from sky fibers to all fibers fit_offsets : fit offsets for regions defined in calib fiberflat : desispec.FiberFlat object used for the fit of offsets returns SkyModel object with attributes wave, flux, ivar, mask """ if angular_variation_deg == 0 : skymodel = compute_uniform_sky(frame, nsig_clipping=nsig_clipping,max_iterations=max_iterations,\ model_ivar=model_ivar,add_variance=add_variance,\ adjust_wavelength=adjust_wavelength,adjust_lsf=adjust_lsf,\ only_use_skyfibers_for_adjustments=only_use_skyfibers_for_adjustments,pcacorr=pcacorr,fit_offsets=fit_offsets,fiberflat=fiberflat) else : if adjust_wavelength : raise RuntimeError("combination of wavelength calibration adjustment and angular variations not yet implemented") if adjust_lsf : raise RuntimeError("combination of lsf calibration adjustment and angular variations not yet implemented") if fit_offsets : raise RuntimeError("combination of fit_offsets and angular variations not yet implemented") if chromatic_variation_deg < 0 : skymodel = compute_non_uniform_sky(frame, nsig_clipping=nsig_clipping,max_iterations=max_iterations,model_ivar=model_ivar,add_variance=add_variance,angular_variation_deg=angular_variation_deg) else : skymodel = compute_polynomial_times_sky(frame, nsig_clipping=nsig_clipping,max_iterations=max_iterations,model_ivar=model_ivar,add_variance=add_variance,angular_variation_deg=angular_variation_deg,chromatic_variation_deg=chromatic_variation_deg) skymodel.throughput_corrections = calculate_throughput_corrections(frame,skymodel) return skymodel
[docs]def _model_variance(frame,cskyflux,cskyivar,skyfibers) : """look at chi2 per wavelength and increase sky variance to reach chi2/ndf=1 """ log = get_logger() tivar = util.combine_ivar(frame.ivar[skyfibers], cskyivar[skyfibers]) # the chi2 at a given wavelength can be large because on a cosmic # and not a psf error or sky non uniformity # so we need to consider only waves for which # a reasonable sky model error can be computed # mean sky msky = np.mean(cskyflux,axis=0) dwave = np.mean(np.gradient(frame.wave)) dskydw = np.zeros(msky.shape) dskydw[1:-1]=(msky[2:]-msky[:-2])/(frame.wave[2:]-frame.wave[:-2]) dskydw = np.abs(dskydw) # now we consider a worst possible sky model error (20% error on flat, 0.5A ) max_possible_var = 1./(tivar+(tivar==0)) + (0.2*msky)**2 + (0.5*dskydw)**2 # exclude residuals inconsistent with this max possible variance (at 3 sigma) bad = (frame.flux[skyfibers]-cskyflux[skyfibers])**2 > 3**2*max_possible_var tivar[bad]=0 ndata = np.sum(tivar>0,axis=0) ok=np.where(ndata>1)[0] chi2 = np.zeros(frame.wave.size) chi2[ok] = np.sum(tivar*(frame.flux[skyfibers]-cskyflux[skyfibers])**2,axis=0)[ok]/(ndata[ok]-1) chi2[ndata<=1] = 1. # default # now we are going to evaluate a sky model error based on this chi2, # but only around sky flux peaks (>0.1*max) tmp = np.zeros(frame.wave.size) tmp = (msky[1:-1]>msky[2:])*(msky[1:-1]>msky[:-2])*(msky[1:-1]>0.1*np.max(msky)) peaks = np.where(tmp)[0]+1 dpix = 2 #eval error range dpix2 = 3 # scale error range (larger) input_skyvar = 1./(cskyivar+(cskyivar==0)) skyvar = input_skyvar + 0. # loop on peaks for peak in peaks : b=peak-dpix e=peak+dpix+1 b2=peak-dpix2 e2=peak+dpix2+1 mchi2 = np.mean(chi2[b:e]) # mean reduced chi2 around peak mndata = np.mean(ndata[b:e]) # mean number of fibers contributing # sky model variance = sigma_flat * msky + sigma_wave * dmskydw sigma_flat=0.005 # the fiber flat error is already included in the flux ivar, but empirical evidence we need an extra term sigma_wave=0.005 # A, minimum value res2=(frame.flux[skyfibers,b:e]-cskyflux[skyfibers,b:e])**2 var=1./(tivar[:,b:e]+(tivar[:,b:e]==0)) nd=np.sum(tivar[:,b:e]>0) sigma_wave = np.arange(0.005, 2, 0.005) #- pivar has shape (nskyfibers, npix, nsigma_wave) pivar = (tivar[:, b:e, np.newaxis]>0)/((var+(sigma_flat*msky[b:e])**2)[..., np.newaxis] + ((sigma_wave[np.newaxis,:]*dskydw[b:e, np.newaxis])**2)[np.newaxis, ...]) #- chi2_of_sky_fibers has shape (nskyfibers, nsigma_wave) chi2_of_sky_fibers = np.sum(pivar*res2[..., np.newaxis],axis=1)/np.sum(tivar[:,b:e]>0,axis=1)[:, np.newaxis] #- normalization from median to mean for chi2 with 3 d.o.f. norm = 0.7888 #- median_chi2 has shape (nsigma_wave,) median_chi2 = np.median(chi2_of_sky_fibers, axis=0)/norm if np.any(median_chi2 <= 1): #- first sigma_wave with median_chi2 <= 1 is the peak sigma_wave_peak = sigma_wave[np.where(median_chi2 <= 1)[0][0]] else : sigma_wave_peak = 2."peak at {}A : sigma_wave={}".format(int(frame.wave[peak]),sigma_wave_peak)) skyvar[:,b2:e2] = input_skyvar[:,b2:e2] + (sigma_flat*msky[b2:e2])**2 + (sigma_wave_peak*dskydw[b2:e2])**2 return (cskyivar>0)/(skyvar+(skyvar==0))
[docs]def compute_uniform_sky(frame, nsig_clipping=4.,max_iterations=100,model_ivar=False,add_variance=True,\ adjust_wavelength=True,adjust_lsf=True,only_use_skyfibers_for_adjustments = True, pcacorr=None, fit_offsets=False,fiberflat=None) : """Compute a sky model. Sky[fiber,i] = R[fiber,i,j] Flux[j] Input flux are expected to be flatfielded! We don't check this in this routine. Args: frame : Frame object, which includes attributes - wave : 1D wavelength grid in Angstroms - flux : 2D flux[nspec, nwave] density - ivar : 2D inverse variance of flux - mask : 2D inverse mask flux (0=good) - resolution_data : 3D[nspec, ndiag, nwave] (only sky fibers) nsig_clipping : [optional] sigma clipping value for outlier rejection Optional: max_iterations : int , number of iterations model_ivar : replace ivar by a model to avoid bias due to correlated flux and ivar. this has a negligible effect on sims. add_variance : evaluate calibration error and add this to the sky model variance adjust_wavelength : adjust the wavelength of the sky model on sky lines to improve the sky subtraction adjust_lsf : adjust the LSF width of the sky model on sky lines to improve the sky subtraction only_use_skyfibers_for_adjustments : interpolate adjustments using sky fibers only pcacorr : SkyCorrPCA object to interpolate the wavelength or LSF adjustment from sky fibers to all fibers fit_offsets : fit offsets for regions defined in calib fiberflat : desispec.FiberFlat object used for the fit of offsets returns SkyModel object with attributes wave, flux, ivar, mask """ log=get_logger()"starting") # Grab sky fibers on this frame skyfibers = np.where(frame.fibermap['OBJTYPE'] == 'SKY')[0] assert np.max(skyfibers) < 500 #- indices, not fiber numbers #- Hack: test tile 81097 (observed 20210430/00086750) had set #- FIBERSTATUS bit UNASSIGNED for sky targets on stuck positioners. #- Undo that. if (frame.meta is not None) and ('TILEID' in frame.meta) and (frame.meta['TILEID'] == 81097):'Unsetting FIBERSTATUS UNASSIGNED for tileid 81097 sky fibers') frame.fibermap['FIBERSTATUS'][skyfibers] &= ~1 nwave=frame.nwave current_ivar = get_fiberbitmasked_frame_arrays(frame,bitmask='sky',ivar_framemask=True,return_mask=False) # checking ivar because some sky fibers have been disabled bad=(np.sum(current_ivar[skyfibers]>0,axis=1)==0) good=~bad if np.any(bad) : log.warning("{} sky fibers discarded (because ivar=0 or bad FIBERSTATUS), only {} left.".format(np.sum(bad),np.sum(good))) skyfibers = skyfibers[good] if np.sum(good)==0 : message = "no valid sky fibers" log.error(message) raise RuntimeError(message) nfibers=len(skyfibers) current_ivar = current_ivar[skyfibers] flux = frame.flux[skyfibers] Rsky = frame.R[skyfibers] input_ivar=None if model_ivar :"use a model of the inverse variance to remove bias due to correlated ivar and flux") input_ivar=current_ivar.copy() median_ivar_vs_wave = np.median(current_ivar,axis=0) median_ivar_vs_fiber = np.median(current_ivar,axis=1) median_median_ivar = np.median(median_ivar_vs_fiber) for f in range(current_ivar.shape[0]) : threshold=0.01 current_ivar[f] = median_ivar_vs_fiber[f]/median_median_ivar * median_ivar_vs_wave # keep input ivar for very low weights ii=(input_ivar[f]<=(threshold*median_ivar_vs_wave))"fiber {} keep {}/{} original ivars".format(f,np.sum(ii),current_ivar.shape[1])) current_ivar[f][ii] = input_ivar[f][ii] sqrtw=np.sqrt(current_ivar) sqrtwflux=sqrtw*flux chi2=np.zeros(flux.shape) bad_skyfibers = [] #max_iterations=2 ; log.warning("DEBUGGING LIMITING NUMBER OF ITERATIONS") nout_tot=0 for iteration in range(max_iterations) : # the matrix A is 1/2 of the second derivative of the chi2 with respect to the parameters # A_ij = 1/2 d2(chi2)/di/dj # A_ij = sum_fiber sum_wave_w ivar[fiber,w] d(model)/di[fiber,w] * d(model)/dj[fiber,w] # the vector B is 1/2 of the first derivative of the chi2 with respect to the parameters # B_i = 1/2 d(chi2)/di # B_i = sum_fiber sum_wave_w ivar[fiber,w] d(model)/di[fiber,w] * (flux[fiber,w]-model[fiber,w]) # the model is model[fiber]=R[fiber]*sky # and the parameters are the unconvolved sky flux at the wavelength i # so, d(model)/di[fiber,w] = R[fiber][w,i] # this gives # A_ij = sum_fiber sum_wave_w ivar[fiber,w] R[fiber][w,i] R[fiber][w,j] # A = sum_fiber ( diag(sqrt(ivar))*R[fiber] ) ( diag(sqrt(ivar))* R[fiber] )^t # A = sum_fiber sqrtwR[fiber] sqrtwR[fiber]^t # and # B = sum_fiber sum_wave_w ivar[fiber,w] R[fiber][w] * flux[fiber,w] # B = sum_fiber sum_wave_w sqrt(ivar)[fiber,w]*flux[fiber,w] sqrtwR[fiber,wave] #A=scipy.sparse.lil_matrix((nwave,nwave)).tocsr() A=scipy.sparse.csr_matrix((nwave,nwave)) B=np.zeros((nwave)) # diagonal sparse matrix with content = sqrt(ivar)*flat of a given fiber SD=scipy.sparse.dia_matrix((nwave,nwave)) # loop on fiber to handle resolution for fiber in range(nfibers) : if fiber%10==0 :"iter %d sky fiber %d/%d"%(iteration,fiber,nfibers)) R = Rsky[fiber] # diagonal sparse matrix with content = sqrt(ivar) SD.setdiag(sqrtw[fiber]) sqrtwR = SD*R # each row r of R is multiplied by sqrtw[r] A += sqrtwR.T*sqrtwR B += sqrtwR.T*sqrtwflux[fiber] A = A.toarray()"iter %d solving"%iteration) w = A.diagonal()>0 A_pos_def = A[w,:] A_pos_def = A_pos_def[:,w] deconvolved_sky = B*0 try: deconvolved_sky[w]=cholesky_solve(A_pos_def,B[w]) except:"cholesky failed, trying svd in iteration {}".format(iteration)) deconvolved_sky[w]=np.linalg.lstsq(A_pos_def,B[w])[0]"iter %d compute chi2"%iteration) medflux=np.zeros(nfibers) for fiber in range(nfibers) : # the parameters are directly the unconvolve sky flux # so we simply have to reconvolve it fiber_convolved_sky_flux = Rsky[fiber].dot(deconvolved_sky) chi2[fiber]=current_ivar[fiber]*(flux[fiber]-fiber_convolved_sky_flux)**2 ok=(current_ivar[fiber]>0) if np.sum(ok)>0 : medflux[fiber] = np.median((flux[fiber]-fiber_convolved_sky_flux)[ok])"rejecting") # whole fiber with excess flux if np.sum(medflux!=0) > 2 : # at least 3 valid sky fibers rms_from_nmad = 1.48*np.median(np.abs(medflux[medflux!=0])) # discard fibers that are 7 sigma away badfibers=np.where(np.abs(medflux)>7*rms_from_nmad)[0] for fiber in badfibers : log.warning("discarding fiber {} with median flux = {:.2f} > 7*{:.2f}".format(skyfibers[fiber],medflux[fiber],rms_from_nmad)) current_ivar[fiber]=0 sqrtw[fiber]=0 sqrtwflux[fiber]=0 # set a mask bit here bad_skyfibers.append(skyfibers[fiber]) nout_iter=0 if iteration<1 : # only remove worst outlier per wave # apply rejection iteratively, only one entry per wave among fibers # find waves with outlier (fastest way) nout_per_wave=np.sum(chi2>nsig_clipping**2,axis=0) selection=np.where(nout_per_wave>0)[0] for i in selection : worst_entry=np.argmax(chi2[:,i]) current_ivar[worst_entry,i]=0 sqrtw[worst_entry,i]=0 sqrtwflux[worst_entry,i]=0 nout_iter += 1 else : # remove all of them at once bad=(chi2>nsig_clipping**2) current_ivar *= (bad==0) sqrtw *= (bad==0) sqrtwflux *= (bad==0) nout_iter += np.sum(bad) nout_tot += nout_iter sum_chi2=float(np.sum(chi2)) ndf=int(np.sum(chi2>0)-nwave) chi2pdf=0. if ndf>0 : chi2pdf=sum_chi2/ndf"iter #%d chi2=%f ndf=%d chi2pdf=%f nout=%d"%(iteration,sum_chi2,ndf,chi2pdf,nout_iter)) if nout_iter == 0 : break"nout tot=%d"%nout_tot) # we know have to compute the sky model for all fibers # and propagate the uncertainties # no need to restore the original ivar to compute the model errors when modeling ivar # the sky inverse variances are very similar"compute the parameter covariance") # we may have to use a different method to compute this # covariance try : parameter_covar=cholesky_invert(A) # the above is too slow # maybe invert per block, sandwich by R except np.linalg.linalg.LinAlgError : log.warning("cholesky_solve_and_invert failed, switching to np.linalg.lstsq and np.linalg.pinv") parameter_covar = np.linalg.pinv(A)"compute mean resolution") # we make an approximation for the variance to save CPU time # we use the average resolution of all fibers in the frame: mean_res_data=np.mean(frame.resolution_data,axis=0) Rmean = Resolution(mean_res_data)"compute convolved sky and ivar") # The parameters are directly the unconvolved sky # First convolve with average resolution : # and keep only the diagonal convolved_sky_var=np.diagonal(convolved_sky_covar) # inverse convolved_sky_ivar=(convolved_sky_var>0)/(convolved_sky_var+(convolved_sky_var==0)) # and simply consider it's the same for all spectra cskyivar = np.tile(convolved_sky_ivar, frame.nspec).reshape(frame.nspec, nwave) # The sky model for each fiber (simple convolution with resolution of each fiber) cskyflux = np.zeros(frame.flux.shape) for i in range(frame.nspec): cskyflux[i] = frame.R[i].dot(deconvolved_sky) # See if we can improve the sky model by readjusting the wavelength and/or the width of sky lines if adjust_wavelength or adjust_lsf :"adjust the wavelength of sky spectrum on sky lines to improve sky subtraction ...") if adjust_wavelength : # compute derivative of sky w.r.t. wavelength dskydwave = np.gradient(cskyflux,axis=1)/np.gradient(frame.wave) else : dskydwave = None if adjust_lsf : # compute derivative of sky w.r.t. lsf width dwave = np.mean(np.gradient(frame.wave)) dsigma_A = 0.3 #A dsigma_bin = dsigma_A/dwave # consider this extra width for the PSF (sigma' = sqrt(sigma**2+dsigma**2)) hw=int(4*dsigma_bin)+1 x=np.arange(-hw,hw+1) k=np.zeros((3,x.size)) # a Gaussian kernel k[1]=np.exp(-x**2/dsigma_bin**2/2.) k/=np.sum(k) tmp = fftconvolve(cskyflux,k,mode="same") dskydlsf = (tmp-cskyflux)/dsigma_A # variation of line shape with width else : dskydlsf = None # detect peaks in mean sky spectrum # peaks = local maximum larger than 10% of max peak meansky = np.mean(cskyflux,axis=0) tmp = (meansky[1:-1]>meansky[2:])*(meansky[1:-1]>meansky[:-2])*(meansky[1:-1]>0.1*np.max(meansky)) peaks = np.where(tmp)[0]+1 # remove edges peaks = peaks[(peaks>10)&(peaks<meansky.size-10)] peak_wave=frame.wave[peaks]"Number of peaks: {}".format(peaks.size)) if peaks.size < 10 :"Wavelength of peaks: {}".format(peak_wave)) # define area around each sky line to adjust dwave = np.mean(np.gradient(frame.wave)) dpix = int(3//dwave)+1 # number of parameters to fit for each peak: delta_wave , delta_lsf , scale of sky , a background (to absorb source signal) nparam = 2 if adjust_wavelength : nparam += 1 if adjust_lsf : nparam += 1 AA=np.zeros((nparam,nparam)) BB=np.zeros((nparam)) # temporary arrays with best fit parameters on peaks # for each fiber, with errors and chi2/ndf peak_scale=np.zeros((frame.nspec,peaks.size)) peak_scale_err=np.zeros((frame.nspec,peaks.size)) peak_dw=np.zeros((frame.nspec,peaks.size)) peak_dw_err=np.zeros((frame.nspec,peaks.size)) peak_dlsf=np.zeros((frame.nspec,peaks.size)) peak_dlsf_err=np.zeros((frame.nspec,peaks.size)) peak_chi2pdf=np.zeros((frame.nspec,peaks.size)) # interpolated values across peaks, after selection # based on precision and chi2 interpolated_sky_dwave=np.zeros(frame.flux.shape) interpolated_sky_dlsf=np.zeros(frame.flux.shape) # loop on fibers and then on sky spectrum peaks if only_use_skyfibers_for_adjustments : fibers_in_fit = skyfibers else : fibers_in_fit = np.arange(frame.nspec) # restrict to fibers with ivar!=0 ok = np.sum(frame.ivar[fibers_in_fit],axis=1)>0 fibers_in_fit = fibers_in_fit[ok] # loop on sky spectrum peaks, compute for all fibers simultaneously for j,peak in enumerate(peaks) : b = peak-dpix e = peak+dpix+1 npix = e - b flux = frame.flux[fibers_in_fit][:,b:e] ivar = frame.ivar[fibers_in_fit][:,b:e] if b < 0 or e > frame.flux.shape[1] : log.warning("skip peak on edge of spectrum with b={} e={}".format(b,e)) continue M = np.zeros((fibers_in_fit.size, nparam, npix)) index = 0 M[:, index] = np.ones(npix); index += 1 M[:, index] = cskyflux[fibers_in_fit][:, b:e]; index += 1 if adjust_wavelength : M[:, index] = dskydwave[fibers_in_fit][:, b:e]; index += 1 if adjust_lsf : M[:, index] = dskydlsf[fibers_in_fit][:, b:e]; index += 1 # Solve (M * W * M.T) X = (M * W * flux) BB = np.einsum('ijk,ik->ij', M, ivar*flux) AA = np.einsum('ijk,ik,ilk->ijl', M, ivar, M) # solve linear system #- TODO: replace with X = np.linalg.solve(AA, BB) ? try: AAi=np.linalg.inv(AA) except np.linalg.LinAlgError as e: log.warning(str(e)) continue # save best fit parameter and errors X = np.einsum('ijk,ik->ij', AAi, BB) X_err = np.sqrt(AAi*(AAi>0)) index = 1 peak_scale[fibers_in_fit,j] = X[:, index] peak_scale_err[fibers_in_fit,j] = X_err[:, index, index] index += 1 if adjust_wavelength: peak_dw[fibers_in_fit, j] = X[:, index] peak_dw_err[fibers_in_fit, j] = X_err[:, index, index] index += 1 if adjust_lsf: peak_dlsf[fibers_in_fit, j] = X[:, index] peak_dlsf_err[fibers_in_fit, j] = X_err[:, index, index] index += 1 residuals = flux for index in range(nparam) : #for index in range(3) : # needed for compatibility with master (but this was a bug) residuals -= X[:,index][:, np.newaxis]*M[:,index] variance = 1.0/(ivar+(ivar==0)) + (0.05*M[:,1])**2 peak_chi2pdf[fibers_in_fit, j] = np.sum((ivar>0)/variance*(residuals)**2, axis=1)/(npix-nparam) for i in fibers_in_fit : # for each fiber, select valid peaks and interpolate ok=(peak_chi2pdf[i]<2) if adjust_wavelength : ok &= (peak_dw_err[i]>0.)&(peak_dw_err[i]<0.1) # error on wavelength shift if adjust_lsf : ok &= (peak_dlsf_err[i]>0.)&(peak_dlsf_err[i]<0.3) # error on line width (quadratic, so 0.3 mean a change of width of 0.3**2/2~5%) # piece-wise linear interpolate across the whole spectrum between the sky line peaks # this interpolation will be used to alter the whole sky spectrum if np.sum(ok)>0 : if adjust_wavelength : interpolated_sky_dwave[i]=np.interp(frame.wave,peak_wave[ok],peak_dw[i,ok]) if adjust_lsf : interpolated_sky_dlsf[i]=np.interp(frame.wave,peak_wave[ok],peak_dlsf[i,ok]) line="" if adjust_wavelength : line += " dlambda mean={:4.3f} rms={:4.3f} A".format(np.mean(interpolated_sky_dwave[i]),np.std(interpolated_sky_dwave[i])) if adjust_lsf : line += " dlsf mean={:4.3f} rms={:4.3f} A".format(np.mean(interpolated_sky_dlsf[i]),np.std(interpolated_sky_dlsf[i])) # we ignore the interpolated_sky_scale which is too sensitive # to CCD defects or cosmic rays if pcacorr is None : if only_use_skyfibers_for_adjustments : goodfibers=fibers_in_fit else : # keep all except bright objects and interpolate over them mflux=np.median(frame.flux,axis=1) mmflux=np.median(mflux) rms=1.48*np.median(np.abs(mflux-mmflux)) selection=(mflux<mmflux+2*rms) # at least 80% of good pixels ngood=np.sum((frame.ivar>0)*(frame.mask==0),axis=1) selection &= (ngood>0.8*frame.flux.shape[1]) goodfibers=np.where(mflux<mmflux+2*rms)[0]"number of good fibers=",goodfibers.size) allfibers=np.arange(frame.nspec) # the actual median filtering if adjust_wavelength : for j in range(interpolated_sky_dwave.shape[1]) : interpolated_sky_dwave[:,j] = np.interp(np.arange(interpolated_sky_dwave.shape[0]),goodfibers,interpolated_sky_dwave[goodfibers,j]) cskyflux += interpolated_sky_dwave*dskydwave if adjust_lsf : # simple interpolation over fibers for j in range(interpolated_sky_dlsf.shape[1]) : interpolated_sky_dlsf[:,j] = np.interp(np.arange(interpolated_sky_dlsf.shape[0]),goodfibers,interpolated_sky_dlsf[goodfibers,j]) cskyflux += interpolated_sky_dlsf*dskydlsf else : def fit_and_interpolate(delta,skyfibers,mean,components,label="") : mean_and_components = np.zeros((components.shape[0]+1, components.shape[1], components.shape[2])) mean_and_components[0] = mean mean_and_components[1:] = components ncomp=mean_and_components.shape[0]"Will fit a linear combination on {} components for {}".format(ncomp,label)) AA=np.zeros((ncomp,ncomp)) BB=np.zeros(ncomp) for i in range(ncomp) : BB[i] = np.sum(delta[skyfibers]*mean_and_components[i][skyfibers]) for j in range(i,ncomp) : AA[i,j] = np.sum(mean_and_components[i][skyfibers]*mean_and_components[j][skyfibers]) if j!=i : AA[j,i]=AA[i,j] AAi=np.linalg.inv(AA)"Best fit linear coefficients for {} = {}".format(label,list(X))) result = np.zeros_like(delta) for i in range(ncomp) : result += X[i]*mean_and_components[i] return result # we are going to fit a linear combination of the PCA coefficients only on the sky fibers # and then apply the linear combination to all fibers"Use PCA skycorr") if adjust_wavelength : correction = fit_and_interpolate(interpolated_sky_dwave,skyfibers,\ pcacorr.dwave_mean,pcacorr.dwave_eigenvectors,label="wavelength") cskyflux += correction*dskydwave if adjust_lsf : correction = fit_and_interpolate(interpolated_sky_dlsf,skyfibers,\ pcacorr.dlsf_mean,pcacorr.dlsf_eigenvectors,label="LSF") cskyflux += correction*dskydlsf # look at chi2 per wavelength and increase sky variance to reach chi2/ndf=1 if skyfibers.size > 1 and add_variance : modified_cskyivar = _model_variance(frame,cskyflux,cskyivar,skyfibers) else : modified_cskyivar = cskyivar.copy() # set sky flux and ivar to zero to poorly constrained regions # and add margins to avoid expolation issues with the resolution matrix wmask = (np.diagonal(A)<=0).astype(float) # empirically, need to account for the full width of the resolution band # (realized here by applying twice the resolution) wmask = bad = np.where(wmask!=0)[0] cskyflux[:,bad]=0. modified_cskyivar[:,bad]=0. # minimum number of fibers at each wavelength min_number_of_fibers = min(10,max(1,skyfibers.size//2)) fibers_with_signal=np.sum(current_ivar>0,axis=0) bad = (fibers_with_signal<min_number_of_fibers) # increase by 1 pixel bad[1:-1] |= bad[2:] bad[1:-1] |= bad[:-2] cskyflux[:,bad]=0. modified_cskyivar[:,bad]=0. if fit_offsets : cfinder = CalibFinder([frame.meta]) amps = get_amp_ids(frame.meta) sectors=[] for amp in amps : key="OFFCOLS"+amp sec = parse_sec_keyword(frame.meta['CCDSEC'+amp]) yb=sec[0].start ye=sec[0].stop if cfinder.haskey(key) : val=cfinder.value(key) for tmp1 in val.split(",") : tmp2=tmp1.split(":") if len(tmp2)!=2 : mess="cannot decode {}={}".format(key,val) log.error(mess) raise KeyError(mess) xb=max(sec[1].start,int(tmp2[0])) xe=min(sec[1].stop,int(tmp2[1])) sector = [yb,ye,xb,xe] sectors.append( sector )"Adding CCD sector in amp {} with offset: {}".format(amp,sector)) if len(sectors)>0 : # fit as many parameters as twice the number of sectors # (one offset for fibers/wavelength in the sector and one for the others to compensate) # need coordinates of fiber traces psf_filename = findfile('psf',frame.meta["NIGHT"],frame.meta["EXPID"],frame.meta["CAMERA"]) if not os.path.isfile(psf_filename) : log.error("No PSF file "+psf_filename) raise IOError("No PSF file "+psf_filename)"Using PSF {}".format(psf_filename)) tset = read_xytraceset(psf_filename) tmp_fibers = np.arange(frame.nspec) tmp_x = np.zeros(frame.flux.shape,dtype=float) tmp_y = np.zeros(frame.flux.shape,dtype=float) for fiber in tmp_fibers : tmp_x[fiber] = tset.x_vs_wave(fiber=fiber,wavelength=frame.wave) tmp_y[fiber] = tset.y_vs_wave(fiber=fiber,wavelength=frame.wave) if fiberflat is not None : flat=fiberflat.fiberflat"Use fiberflat when fitting for offsets") else : flat=np.ones(frame.flux.shape) bkg = np.zeros(cskyflux.shape) tmp_skyflux = cskyflux.copy() # we fit one sector at a time for sector in sectors : # mask for sky fibers only mask_in = (tmp_y[skyfibers]>=sector[0])&(tmp_y[skyfibers]<sector[1])&(tmp_x[skyfibers]>=sector[2])&(tmp_x[skyfibers]<sector[3]) mask_out = (tmp_y[skyfibers]>=sector[0])&(tmp_y[skyfibers]<sector[1])&(~mask_in) # same y range sw = np.sum(current_ivar[mask_in]) if sw>0 : offset_in = np.sum(current_ivar[mask_in]*(frame.flux[skyfibers][mask_in]-tmp_skyflux[skyfibers][mask_in])*flat[skyfibers][mask_in])/sw else : offset_in = 0. sw = np.sum(current_ivar[mask_out]) if sw>0 : offset_out = np.sum(current_ivar[mask_out]*(frame.flux[skyfibers][mask_out]-tmp_skyflux[skyfibers][mask_out])*flat[skyfibers][mask_out])/sw else : offset_out = 0."sector {} offset in = {:.2f} out = {:.2f}".format(sector,offset_in,offset_out)) # mask for all fibers now mask_in = (tmp_y>=sector[0])&(tmp_y<sector[1])&(tmp_x>=sector[2])&(tmp_x<sector[3]) mask_out = (tmp_y>=sector[0])&(tmp_y<sector[1])&(~mask_in) # same y range # save diff of terms in bkg in mask bkg[mask_in] += (offset_in-offset_out) # apply two terms to tmp sky model while fitting the other terms tmp_skyflux[mask_in] += offset_in tmp_skyflux[mask_out] += offset_out bkg /= flat # flatfield the background # now we are going to temporarily remove the bkg in the frame.flux data, refit the sky, and then finally add back the bkg to the sky model frame.flux -= bkg # refit sky (without fit_offsets!) (costly but the most reliable way to account for the fitted background) skymodel = compute_uniform_sky(frame,nsig_clipping=nsig_clipping,max_iterations=max_iterations, model_ivar=model_ivar,add_variance=add_variance, adjust_wavelength=adjust_wavelength,adjust_lsf=adjust_lsf, only_use_skyfibers_for_adjustments=only_use_skyfibers_for_adjustments,pcacorr=pcacorr, fit_offsets=False,fiberflat=None) # add back the background and return frame.flux += bkg # to the frame flux in case we use it afterwards skymodel.flux += bkg # to the sky model return skymodel mask = (modified_cskyivar==0).astype(np.uint32) # add mask bits for bad sky fibers bad_skyfibers = np.unique(bad_skyfibers) if bad_skyfibers.size > 0 : mask[bad_skyfibers] |= specmask.mask("BADSKY") skymodel = SkyModel(frame.wave.copy(), cskyflux, modified_cskyivar, mask, nrej=nout_tot, stat_ivar = cskyivar) # keep a record of the statistical ivar for QA if adjust_wavelength : skymodel.dwave = interpolated_sky_dwave if adjust_lsf : skymodel.dlsf = interpolated_sky_dlsf return skymodel
[docs]def compute_polynomial_times_sky(frame, nsig_clipping=4.,max_iterations=30,model_ivar=False,add_variance=True,angular_variation_deg=1,chromatic_variation_deg=1) : """Compute a sky model. Sky[fiber,i] = R[fiber,i,j] Polynomial(x[fiber],y[fiber],wavelength[j]) Flux[j] Input flux are expected to be flatfielded! We don't check this in this routine. Args: frame : Frame object, which includes attributes - wave : 1D wavelength grid in Angstroms - flux : 2D flux[nspec, nwave] density - ivar : 2D inverse variance of flux - mask : 2D inverse mask flux (0=good) - resolution_data : 3D[nspec, ndiag, nwave] (only sky fibers) nsig_clipping : [optional] sigma clipping value for outlier rejection Optional: max_iterations : int , number of iterations model_ivar : replace ivar by a model to avoid bias due to correlated flux and ivar. this has a negligible effect on sims. add_variance : evaluate calibration error and add this to the sky model variance returns SkyModel object with attributes wave, flux, ivar, mask """ log=get_logger()"starting") # Grab sky fibers on this frame skyfibers = np.where(frame.fibermap['OBJTYPE'] == 'SKY')[0] assert np.max(skyfibers) < 500 #- indices, not fiber numbers nwave=frame.nwave nfibers=len(skyfibers) current_ivar = get_fiberbitmasked_frame_arrays(frame,bitmask='sky',ivar_framemask=True,return_mask=False) current_ivar = current_ivar[skyfibers] flux = frame.flux[skyfibers] Rsky = frame.R[skyfibers] input_ivar=None if model_ivar :"use a model of the inverse variance to remove bias due to correlated ivar and flux") input_ivar=current_ivar.copy() median_ivar_vs_wave = np.median(current_ivar,axis=0) median_ivar_vs_fiber = np.median(current_ivar,axis=1) median_median_ivar = np.median(median_ivar_vs_fiber) for f in range(current_ivar.shape[0]) : threshold=0.01 current_ivar[f] = median_ivar_vs_fiber[f]/median_median_ivar * median_ivar_vs_wave # keep input ivar for very low weights ii=(input_ivar[f]<=(threshold*median_ivar_vs_wave))"fiber {} keep {}/{} original ivars".format(f,np.sum(ii),current_ivar.shape[1])) current_ivar[f][ii] = input_ivar[f][ii] # need focal plane coordinates x = frame.fibermap["FIBERASSIGN_X"] y = frame.fibermap["FIBERASSIGN_Y"] # normalize for numerical stability xm = np.mean(x) ym = np.mean(y) xs = np.std(x) ys = np.std(y) if xs==0 : xs = 1 if ys==0 : ys = 1 x = (x-xm)/xs y = (y-ym)/ys w = (frame.wave-frame.wave[0])/(frame.wave[-1]-frame.wave[0])*2.-1 # precompute the monomials for the sky fibers log.debug("compute monomials for deg={} and {}".format(angular_variation_deg,chromatic_variation_deg)) monomials=[] for dx in range(angular_variation_deg+1) : for dy in range(angular_variation_deg+1-dx) : xypol = (x**dx)*(y**dy) for dw in range(chromatic_variation_deg+1) : wpol=w**dw monomials.append(np.outer(xypol,wpol)) ncoef=len(monomials) coef=np.zeros((ncoef)) allfibers_monomials=np.array(monomials) log.debug("shape of allfibers_monomials = {}".format(allfibers_monomials.shape)) skyfibers_monomials = allfibers_monomials[:,skyfibers,:] log.debug("shape of skyfibers_monomials = {}".format(skyfibers_monomials.shape)) sqrtw=np.sqrt(current_ivar) sqrtwflux=sqrtw*flux chi2=np.zeros(flux.shape) Pol = np.ones(flux.shape,dtype=float) coef[0] = 1. nout_tot=0 previous_chi2=-10. for iteration in range(max_iterations) : # the matrix A is 1/2 of the second derivative of the chi2 with respect to the parameters # A_ij = 1/2 d2(chi2)/di/dj # A_ij = sum_fiber sum_wave_w ivar[fiber,w] d(model)/di[fiber,w] * d(model)/dj[fiber,w] # the vector B is 1/2 of the first derivative of the chi2 with respect to the parameters # B_i = 1/2 d(chi2)/di # B_i = sum_fiber sum_wave_w ivar[fiber,w] d(model)/di[fiber,w] * (flux[fiber,w]-model[fiber,w]) # the model is model[fiber]=R[fiber]*Pol(x,y,wave)*sky # the parameters are the unconvolved sky flux at the wavelength i # and the polynomial coefficients A=scipy.sparse.csr_matrix((nwave,nwave),dtype=float) B=np.zeros((nwave),dtype=float) D=scipy.sparse.dia_matrix((nwave,nwave)) D2=scipy.sparse.dia_matrix((nwave,nwave)) Pol /= coef[0] # force constant term to 1. # solving for the deconvolved mean sky spectrum # loop on fiber to handle resolution for fiber in range(nfibers) : if fiber%10==0 :"iter %d sky fiber (1st fit) %d/%d"%(iteration,fiber,nfibers)) D.setdiag(sqrtw[fiber]) D2.setdiag(Pol[fiber]) sqrtwRP =[fiber]).dot(D2) # each row r of R is multiplied by sqrtw[r] A += sqrtwRP.T*sqrtwRP B += sqrtwRP.T*sqrtwflux[fiber] A = A.toarray()"iter %d solving"%iteration) w = A.diagonal()>0 A_pos_def = A[w,:] A_pos_def = A_pos_def[:,w] parameters = B*0 try: parameters[w]=cholesky_solve(A_pos_def,B[w]) except:"cholesky failed, trying svd in iteration {}".format(iteration)) parameters[w]=np.linalg.lstsq(A_pos_def,B[w])[0] # parameters = the deconvolved mean sky spectrum # now evaluate the polynomial coefficients Ap=np.zeros((ncoef,ncoef),dtype=float) Bp=np.zeros((ncoef),dtype=float) D2.setdiag(parameters) for fiber in range(nfibers) : if fiber%10==0 :"iter %d sky fiber (2nd fit) %d/%d"%(iteration,fiber,nfibers)) D.setdiag(sqrtw[fiber]) sqrtwRSM =[fiber]).dot(D2).dot(skyfibers_monomials[:,fiber,:].T) Ap += Bp +=[fiber]) # Add huge prior on zeroth angular order terms to converge faster # (because those terms are degenerate with the mean deconvolved spectrum) weight=1e24 Ap[0,0] += weight Bp[0] += weight # force 0th term to 1 for i in range(1,chromatic_variation_deg+1) : Ap[i,i] += weight # force other wavelength terms to 0 coef=cholesky_solve(Ap,Bp)"pol coef = {}".format(coef)) # recompute the polynomial values Pol = # chi2 and outlier rejection"iter %d compute chi2"%iteration) for fiber in range(nfibers) : chi2[fiber]=current_ivar[fiber]*(flux[fiber]-Rsky[fiber].dot(Pol[fiber]*parameters))**2"rejecting") nout_iter=0 if iteration<1 : # only remove worst outlier per wave # apply rejection iteratively, only one entry per wave among fibers # find waves with outlier (fastest way) nout_per_wave=np.sum(chi2>nsig_clipping**2,axis=0) selection=np.where(nout_per_wave>0)[0] for i in selection : worst_entry=np.argmax(chi2[:,i]) current_ivar[worst_entry,i]=0 sqrtw[worst_entry,i]=0 sqrtwflux[worst_entry,i]=0 nout_iter += 1 else : # remove all of them at once bad=(chi2>nsig_clipping**2) current_ivar *= (bad==0) sqrtw *= (bad==0) sqrtwflux *= (bad==0) nout_iter += np.sum(bad) nout_tot += nout_iter sum_chi2=float(np.sum(chi2)) ndf=int(np.sum(chi2>0)-nwave) chi2pdf=0. if ndf>0 : chi2pdf=sum_chi2/ndf"iter #%d chi2=%g ndf=%d chi2pdf=%f delta=%f nout=%d"%(iteration,sum_chi2,ndf,chi2pdf,abs(sum_chi2-previous_chi2),nout_iter)) if nout_iter == 0 and abs(sum_chi2-previous_chi2)<0.2 : break previous_chi2 = sum_chi2+0."nout tot=%d"%nout_tot) # we know have to compute the sky model for all fibers # and propagate the uncertainties # no need to restore the original ivar to compute the model errors when modeling ivar # the sky inverse variances are very similar # we ignore here the fact that we have fit a angular variation, # so the sky model uncertainties are inaccurate"compute the parameter covariance") try : parameter_covar=cholesky_invert(A) except np.linalg.linalg.LinAlgError : log.warning("cholesky_solve_and_invert failed, switching to np.linalg.lstsq and np.linalg.pinv") parameter_covar = np.linalg.pinv(A)"compute mean resolution") # we make an approximation for the variance to save CPU time # we use the average resolution of all fibers in the frame: mean_res_data=np.mean(frame.resolution_data,axis=0) Rmean = Resolution(mean_res_data)"compute convolved sky and ivar") # The parameters are directly the unconvolved sky # First convolve with average resolution : # and keep only the diagonal convolved_sky_var=np.diagonal(convolved_sky_covar) # inverse convolved_sky_ivar=(convolved_sky_var>0)/(convolved_sky_var+(convolved_sky_var==0)) # and simply consider it's the same for all spectra cskyivar = np.tile(convolved_sky_ivar, frame.nspec).reshape(frame.nspec, nwave) # The sky model for each fiber (simple convolution with resolution of each fiber) cskyflux = np.zeros(frame.flux.shape) Pol = for fiber in range(frame.nspec): cskyflux[fiber] = frame.R[fiber].dot(Pol[fiber]*parameters) # look at chi2 per wavelength and increase sky variance to reach chi2/ndf=1 if skyfibers.size > 1 and add_variance : modified_cskyivar = _model_variance(frame,cskyflux,cskyivar,skyfibers) else : modified_cskyivar = cskyivar.copy() # set sky flux and ivar to zero to poorly constrained regions # and add margins to avoid expolation issues with the resolution matrix wmask = (np.diagonal(A)<=0).astype(float) # empirically, need to account for the full width of the resolution band # (realized here by applying twice the resolution) wmask = bad = np.where(wmask!=0)[0] cskyflux[:,bad]=0. modified_cskyivar[:,bad]=0. # minimum number of fibers at each wavelength min_number_of_fibers = min(10,max(1,skyfibers.size//2)) fibers_with_signal=np.sum(current_ivar>0,axis=0) bad = (fibers_with_signal<min_number_of_fibers) # increase by 1 pixel bad[1:-1] |= bad[2:] bad[1:-1] |= bad[:-2] cskyflux[:,bad]=0. modified_cskyivar[:,bad]=0. # need to do better here mask = (modified_cskyivar==0).astype(np.uint32) return SkyModel(frame.wave.copy(), cskyflux, modified_cskyivar, mask, nrej=nout_tot, stat_ivar = cskyivar) # keep a record of the statistical ivar for QA
[docs]def compute_non_uniform_sky(frame, nsig_clipping=4.,max_iterations=10,model_ivar=False,add_variance=True,angular_variation_deg=1) : """Compute a sky model. Sky[fiber,i] = R[fiber,i,j] ( Flux_0[j] + x[fiber]*Flux_x[j] + y[fiber]*Flux_y[j] + ... ) Input flux are expected to be flatfielded! We don't check this in this routine. Args: frame : Frame object, which includes attributes - wave : 1D wavelength grid in Angstroms - flux : 2D flux[nspec, nwave] density - ivar : 2D inverse variance of flux - mask : 2D inverse mask flux (0=good) - resolution_data : 3D[nspec, ndiag, nwave] (only sky fibers) nsig_clipping : [optional] sigma clipping value for outlier rejection Optional: max_iterations : int , number of iterations model_ivar : replace ivar by a model to avoid bias due to correlated flux and ivar. this has a negligible effect on sims. add_variance : evaluate calibration error and add this to the sky model variance angular_variation_deg : degree of 2D polynomial correction as a function of fiber focal plane coordinates (default=1). One set of coefficients per wavelength returns SkyModel object with attributes wave, flux, ivar, mask """ log=get_logger()"starting") # Grab sky fibers on this frame skyfibers = np.where(frame.fibermap['OBJTYPE'] == 'SKY')[0] assert np.max(skyfibers) < 500 #- indices, not fiber numbers nwave=frame.nwave nfibers=len(skyfibers) current_ivar = get_fiberbitmasked_frame_arrays(frame,bitmask='sky',ivar_framemask=True,return_mask=False) current_ivar *= (frame.mask==0) current_ivar = current_ivar[skyfibers] flux = frame.flux[skyfibers] Rsky = frame.R[skyfibers] # need focal plane coordinates of fibers x = frame.fibermap["FIBERASSIGN_X"][skyfibers] y = frame.fibermap["FIBERASSIGN_Y"][skyfibers] # normalize for numerical stability xm = np.mean(frame.fibermap["FIBERASSIGN_X"]) ym = np.mean(frame.fibermap["FIBERASSIGN_Y"]) xs = np.std(frame.fibermap["FIBERASSIGN_X"]) ys = np.std(frame.fibermap["FIBERASSIGN_Y"]) if xs==0 : xs = 1 if ys==0 : ys = 1 x = (x-xm)/xs y = (y-ym)/ys # precompute the monomials for the sky fibers log.debug("compute monomials for deg={}".format(angular_variation_deg)) monomials=[] for dx in range(angular_variation_deg+1) : for dy in range(angular_variation_deg+1-dx) : monomials.append((x**dx)*(y**dy)) ncoef=len(monomials) monomials=np.array(monomials) input_ivar=None if model_ivar :"use a model of the inverse variance to remove bias due to correlated ivar and flux") input_ivar=current_ivar.copy() median_ivar_vs_wave = np.median(current_ivar,axis=0) median_ivar_vs_fiber = np.median(current_ivar,axis=1) median_median_ivar = np.median(median_ivar_vs_fiber) for f in range(current_ivar.shape[0]) : threshold=0.01 current_ivar[f] = median_ivar_vs_fiber[f]/median_median_ivar * median_ivar_vs_wave # keep input ivar for very low weights ii=(input_ivar[f]<=(threshold*median_ivar_vs_wave))"fiber {} keep {}/{} original ivars".format(f,np.sum(ii),current_ivar.shape[1])) current_ivar[f][ii] = input_ivar[f][ii] sqrtw=np.sqrt(current_ivar) sqrtwflux=sqrtw*flux chi2=np.zeros(flux.shape) nout_tot=0 for iteration in range(max_iterations) : # the matrix A is 1/2 of the second derivative of the chi2 with respect to the parameters # A_ij = 1/2 d2(chi2)/di/dj # A_ij = sum_fiber sum_wave_w ivar[fiber,w] d(model)/di[fiber,w] * d(model)/dj[fiber,w] # the vector B is 1/2 of the first derivative of the chi2 with respect to the parameters # B_i = 1/2 d(chi2)/di # B_i = sum_fiber sum_wave_w ivar[fiber,w] d(model)/di[fiber,w] * (flux[fiber,w]-model[fiber,w]) # with x_fiber,y_fiber the fiber coordinates in the focal plane (or sky) # the unconvolved sky flux at wavelength i is a polynomial of x_fiber,y_fiber # sky(fiber,i) = pol(x_fiber,y_fiber,p) = sum_p a_ip * x_fiber**degx(p) y_fiber**degy(p) # sky(fiber,i) = sum_p monom[fiber,p] * a_ip # the convolved sky flux at wavelength w is # model[fiber,w] = sum_i R[fiber][w,i] sum_p monom[fiber,p] * a_ip # model[fiber,w] = sum_p monom[fiber,p] R[fiber][w,i] a_ip # # so, the matrix A is composed of blocks (p,k) corresponding to polynomial coefficient indices where # A[pk] = sum_fiber monom[fiber,p]*monom[fiber,k] sqrtwR[fiber] sqrtwR[fiber]^t # similarily # B[p] = sum_fiber monom[fiber,p] * sum_wave_w (sqrt(ivar)[fiber,w]*flux[fiber,w]) sqrtwR[fiber,wave] A=np.zeros((nwave*ncoef,nwave*ncoef)) B=np.zeros((nwave*ncoef)) # diagonal sparse matrix with content = sqrt(ivar)*flat of a given fiber SD=scipy.sparse.lil_matrix((nwave,nwave)) # loop on fiber to handle resolution for fiber in range(nfibers) : if fiber%10==0 :"iter %d sky fiber %d/%d"%(iteration,fiber,nfibers)) R = Rsky[fiber] # diagonal sparse matrix with content = sqrt(ivar) SD.setdiag(sqrtw[fiber]) sqrtwR = SD*R # each row r of R is multiplied by sqrtw[r] #wRtR=(sqrtwR.T*sqrtwR).tocsr() wRtR=(sqrtwR.T*sqrtwR).todense() wRtF=sqrtwR.T*sqrtwflux[fiber] # loop on polynomial coefficients (double loop for A) # fill only blocks of A and B for p in range(ncoef) : for k in range(ncoef) : A[p*nwave:(p+1)*nwave,k*nwave:(k+1)*nwave] += monomials[p,fiber]*monomials[k,fiber]*wRtR B[p*nwave:(p+1)*nwave] += monomials[p,fiber]*wRtF"iter %d solving"%iteration) w = A.diagonal()>0 A_pos_def = A[w,:] A_pos_def = A_pos_def[:,w] parameters = B*0 try: parameters[w]=cholesky_solve(A_pos_def,B[w]) except:"cholesky failed, trying svd in iteration {}".format(iteration)) parameters[w]=np.linalg.lstsq(A_pos_def,B[w])[0]"iter %d compute chi2"%iteration) for fiber in range(nfibers) : # loop on polynomial indices unconvolved_fiber_sky_flux = np.zeros(nwave) for p in range(ncoef) : unconvolved_fiber_sky_flux += monomials[p,fiber]*parameters[p*nwave:(p+1)*nwave] # then convolve fiber_convolved_sky_flux = Rsky[fiber].dot(unconvolved_fiber_sky_flux) chi2[fiber]=current_ivar[fiber]*(flux[fiber]-fiber_convolved_sky_flux)**2"rejecting") nout_iter=0 if iteration<1 : # only remove worst outlier per wave # apply rejection iteratively, only one entry per wave among fibers # find waves with outlier (fastest way) nout_per_wave=np.sum(chi2>nsig_clipping**2,axis=0) selection=np.where(nout_per_wave>0)[0] for i in selection : worst_entry=np.argmax(chi2[:,i]) current_ivar[worst_entry,i]=0 sqrtw[worst_entry,i]=0 sqrtwflux[worst_entry,i]=0 nout_iter += 1 else : # remove all of them at once bad=(chi2>nsig_clipping**2) current_ivar *= (bad==0) sqrtw *= (bad==0) sqrtwflux *= (bad==0) nout_iter += np.sum(bad) nout_tot += nout_iter sum_chi2=float(np.sum(chi2)) ndf=int(np.sum(chi2>0)-nwave) chi2pdf=0. if ndf>0 : chi2pdf=sum_chi2/ndf"iter #%d chi2=%f ndf=%d chi2pdf=%f nout=%d"%(iteration,sum_chi2,ndf,chi2pdf,nout_iter)) if nout_iter == 0 : break"nout tot=%d"%nout_tot) # we know have to compute the sky model for all fibers # and propagate the uncertainties # no need to restore the original ivar to compute the model errors when modeling ivar # the sky inverse variances are very similar # is there a different method to compute this ?"compute covariance") try : parameter_covar=cholesky_invert(A) except np.linalg.linalg.LinAlgError : log.warning("cholesky_solve_and_invert failed, switching to np.linalg.lstsq and np.linalg.pinv") parameter_covar = np.linalg.pinv(A)"compute mean resolution") # we make an approximation for the variance to save CPU time # we use the average resolution of all fibers in the frame: mean_res_data=np.mean(frame.resolution_data,axis=0) Rmean = Resolution(mean_res_data)"compute convolved sky and ivar") cskyflux = np.zeros(frame.flux.shape) cskyivar = np.zeros(frame.flux.shape)"compute convolved parameter covariance") # The covariance of the parameters is composed of ncoef*ncoef blocks each of size nwave*nwave # A block (p,k) is the covariance of the unconvolved spectra p and k , corresponding to the polynomial indices p and k # We first sandwich each block with the average resolution. convolved_parameter_covar=np.zeros((ncoef,ncoef,nwave)) for p in range(ncoef) : for k in range(ncoef) : convolved_parameter_covar[p,k] = np.diagonal([p*nwave:(p+1)*nwave,k*nwave:(k+1)*nwave]).dot(Rmean.T.todense())) ''' import as pyfits pyfits.writeto("convolved_parameter_covar.fits",convolved_parameter_covar,overwrite=True) # other approach"dense Rmean...") Rmean=Rmean.todense()"invert Rinv...") Rinv=np.linalg.inv(Rmean) # check this print("0?",np.max(np.abs([0])))/np.max(np.abs(Rmean))) convolved_parameter_ivar=np.zeros((ncoef,ncoef,nwave)) for p in range(ncoef) : for k in range(ncoef) : convolved_parameter_ivar[p,k] = np.diagonal([p*nwave:(p+1)*nwave,k*nwave:(k+1)*nwave]).dot(Rinv)) # solve for each wave separately convolved_parameter_covar=np.zeros((ncoef,ncoef,nwave)) for i in range(nwave) : print("inverting ivar of wave %d/%d"%(i,nwave)) convolved_parameter_covar[:,:,i] = cholesky_invert(convolved_parameter_ivar[:,:,i]) pyfits.writeto("convolved_parameter_covar_bis.fits",convolved_parameter_covar,overwrite=True) import sys sys.exit(12) ''' # Now we compute the sky model variance for each fiber individually # accounting for its focal plane coordinates # so that a target fiber distant for a sky fiber will naturally have a larger # sky model variance"compute sky and variance per fiber") for i in range(frame.nspec): # compute monomials M = [] xi=(frame.fibermap["FIBERASSIGN_X"][i]-xm)/xs yi=(frame.fibermap["FIBERASSIGN_Y"][i]-ym)/ys for dx in range(angular_variation_deg+1) : for dy in range(angular_variation_deg+1-dx) : M.append((xi**dx)*(yi**dy)) M = np.array(M) unconvolved_fiber_sky_flux=np.zeros(nwave) convolved_fiber_skyvar=np.zeros(nwave) for p in range(ncoef) : unconvolved_fiber_sky_flux += M[p]*parameters[p*nwave:(p+1)*nwave] for k in range(ncoef) : convolved_fiber_skyvar += M[p]*M[k]*convolved_parameter_covar[p,k] # convolve sky model with this fiber's resolution cskyflux[i] = frame.R[i].dot(unconvolved_fiber_sky_flux) # save inverse of variance cskyivar[i] = (convolved_fiber_skyvar>0)/(convolved_fiber_skyvar+(convolved_fiber_skyvar==0)) # look at chi2 per wavelength and increase sky variance to reach chi2/ndf=1 if skyfibers.size > 1 and add_variance : modified_cskyivar = _model_variance(frame,cskyflux,cskyivar,skyfibers) else : modified_cskyivar = cskyivar.copy() # set sky flux and ivar to zero to poorly constrained regions # and add margins to avoid expolation issues with the resolution matrix wmask = (np.diagonal(A[:nwave,:nwave])<=0).astype(float) # empirically, need to account for the full width of the resolution band # (realized here by applying twice the resolution) wmask = bad = np.where(wmask!=0)[0] cskyflux[:,bad]=0. modified_cskyivar[:,bad]=0. # minimum number of fibers at each wavelength min_number_of_fibers = min(10,max(1,skyfibers.size//2)) fibers_with_signal=np.sum(current_ivar>0,axis=0) bad = (fibers_with_signal<min_number_of_fibers) # increase by 1 pixel bad[1:-1] |= bad[2:] bad[1:-1] |= bad[:-2] cskyflux[:,bad]=0. modified_cskyivar[:,bad]=0. # need to do better here mask = (modified_cskyivar==0).astype(np.uint32) return SkyModel(frame.wave.copy(), cskyflux, modified_cskyivar, mask, nrej=nout_tot, stat_ivar = cskyivar) # keep a record of the statistical ivar for QA
class SkyModel(object): def __init__(self, wave, flux, ivar, mask, header=None, nrej=0, stat_ivar=None, throughput_corrections=None): """Create SkyModel object Args: wave : 1D[nwave] wavelength in Angstroms flux : 2D[nspec, nwave] sky model to subtract ivar : 2D[nspec, nwave] inverse variance of the sky model mask : 2D[nspec, nwave] 0=ok or >0 if problems; 32-bit header : (optional) header from FITS file HDU0 nrej : (optional) Number of rejected pixels in fit throughput_corrections : 1D (optional) Multiplicative throughput corrections for each fiber All input arguments become attributes """ assert wave.ndim == 1 assert flux.ndim == 2 assert ivar.shape == flux.shape assert mask.shape == flux.shape self.nspec, self.nwave = flux.shape self.wave = wave self.flux = flux self.ivar = ivar self.mask = util.mask32(mask) self.header = header self.nrej = nrej self.stat_ivar = stat_ivar self.throughput_corrections = throughput_corrections self.dwave = None # wavelength corrections self.dlsf = None # LSF corrections
[docs]def subtract_sky(frame, skymodel, apply_throughput_correction = True, zero_ivar=True) : """Subtract skymodel from frame, altering frame.flux, .ivar, and .mask Args: frame : desispec.Frame object skymodel : desispec.SkyModel object Option: apply_throughput_correction : if True, fit for an achromatic throughput correction. This is to absorb variations of Focal Ratio Degradation with fiber flexure. zero_ivar : if True , set ivar=0 for masked pixels """ assert frame.nspec == skymodel.nspec assert frame.nwave == skymodel.nwave log=get_logger()"starting with apply_throughput_correction = {} and zero_ivar = {}".format(apply_throughput_correction, zero_ivar)) # Set fibermask flagged spectra to have 0 flux and variance frame = get_fiberbitmasked_frame(frame,bitmask='sky',ivar_framemask=zero_ivar) # check same wavelength, die if not the case if not np.allclose(frame.wave, skymodel.wave): message = "frame and sky not on same wavelength grid" log.error(message) raise ValueError(message) if apply_throughput_correction and skymodel.throughput_corrections is not None : # need to fit for a multiplicative factor of the sky model # before subtraction # we are going to use a set of bright sky lines, # and fit a multiplicative factor + background around # each of them individually, and then combine the results # with outlier rejection in case a source emission line # coincides with one of the sky lines. for fiber in range(frame.flux.shape[0]) : # apply this correction to the sky model even if we have not fit it (default can be 1 or 0) skymodel.flux[fiber] *= skymodel.throughput_corrections[fiber] frame.flux -= skymodel.flux frame.ivar = util.combine_ivar(frame.ivar, skymodel.ivar) frame.mask |= skymodel.mask"done")
[docs]def calculate_throughput_corrections(frame,skymodel): """ Calculate the throughput corrections for each fiber based on the skymodel. Args: frame (Frame object): frame containing the data that may need to be corrected skymodel (SkyModel object): skymodel object that contains the information about the sky for the given exposure/frame Output: corrections (1D array): 1D array where the index corresponds to the fiber % 500 and the values are the multiplicative corrections that would be applied to the fluxes in frame.flux to correct them based on the input skymodel """ # need to fit for a multiplicative factor of the sky model # before subtraction # we are going to use a set of bright sky lines, # and fit a multiplicative factor + background around # each of them individually, and then combine the results # with outlier rejection in case a source emission line # coincides with one of the sky lines. # it's more robust to have a hardcoded set of sky lines here # these are all the sky lines with a flux >5% of the max flux # except in b where we add an extra weaker line at 5199.4A skyline=np.array([5199.4,5578.4,5656.4,5891.4,5897.4,6302.4,6308.4,6365.4,6500.4,6546.4,\ 6555.4,6618.4,6663.4,6679.4,6690.4,6765.4,6831.4,6836.4,6865.4,6925.4,\ 6951.4,6980.4,7242.4,7247.4,7278.4,7286.4,7305.4,7318.4,7331.4,7343.4,\ 7360.4,7371.4,7394.4,7404.4,7440.4,7526.4,7714.4,7719.4,7752.4,7762.4,\ 7782.4,7796.4,7810.4,7823.4,7843.4,7855.4,7862.4,7873.4,7881.4,7892.4,\ 7915.4,7923.4,7933.4,7951.4,7966.4,7982.4,7995.4,8016.4,8028.4,8064.4,\ 8280.4,8284.4,8290.4,8298.4,8301.4,8313.4,8346.4,8355.4,8367.4,8384.4,\ 8401.4,8417.4,8432.4,8454.4,8467.4,8495.4,8507.4,8627.4,8630.4,8634.4,\ 8638.4,8652.4,8657.4,8662.4,8667.4,8672.4,8677.4,8683.4,8763.4,8770.4,\ 8780.4,8793.4,8829.4,8835.4,8838.4,8852.4,8870.4,8888.4,8905.4,8922.4,\ 8945.4,8960.4,8990.4,9003.4,9040.4,9052.4,9105.4,9227.4,9309.4,9315.4,\ 9320.4,9326.4,9340.4,9378.4,9389.4,9404.4,9422.4,9442.4,9461.4,9479.4,\ 9505.4,9521.4,9555.4,9570.4,9610.4,9623.4,9671.4,9684.4,9693.4,9702.4,\ 9714.4,9722.4,9740.4,9748.4,9793.4,9802.4,9814.4,9820.4]) # half width of wavelength region around each sky line # larger values give a better statistical precision # but also a larger sensitivity to source features # best solution on one dark night exposure obtained with # a half width of 4A. hw=4#A tivar=frame.ivar if frame.mask is not None : tivar *= (frame.mask==0) tivar *= (skymodel.ivar>0) # we precompute the quantities needed to fit each sky line + continuum # the sky "line profile" is the actual sky model # and we consider an additive constant sw,swf,sws,sws2,swsf=[],[],[],[],[] for line in skyline : if line<=frame.wave[0] or line>=frame.wave[-1] : continue ii=np.where((frame.wave>=line-hw)&(frame.wave<=line+hw))[0] if ii.size<2 : continue sw.append(np.sum(tivar[:,ii],axis=1)) swf.append(np.sum(tivar[:,ii]*frame.flux[:,ii],axis=1)) swsf.append(np.sum(tivar[:,ii]*frame.flux[:,ii]*skymodel.flux[:,ii],axis=1)) sws.append(np.sum(tivar[:,ii]*skymodel.flux[:,ii],axis=1)) sws2.append(np.sum(tivar[:,ii]*skymodel.flux[:,ii]**2,axis=1)) log=get_logger() nlines=len(sw) corrections = np.ones(frame.flux.shape[0]).astype('f8') for fiber in range(frame.flux.shape[0]) : # we solve the 2x2 linear system for each fiber and sky line # and save the results for each fiber coef=[] # list of scale values var=[] # list of variance on scale values for line in range(nlines) : if sw[line][fiber]<=0 : continue A=np.array([[sw[line][fiber],sws[line][fiber]],[sws[line][fiber],sws2[line][fiber]]]) B=np.array([swf[line][fiber],swsf[line][fiber]]) try : Ai=np.linalg.inv(A) coef.append(X[1]) # the scale coef (marginalized over cst background) var.append(Ai[1,1]) except : pass if len(coef)==0 : log.warning("cannot corr. throughput. for fiber %d"%fiber) continue coef=np.array(coef) var=np.array(var) ivar=(var>0)/(var+(var==0)+0.005**2) ivar_for_outliers=(var>0)/(var+(var==0)+0.02**2) # loop for outlier rejection failed=False for loop in range(50) : a=np.sum(ivar) if a <= 0 : log.warning("cannot corr. throughput. ivar=0 everywhere on sky lines for fiber %d"%fiber) failed=True break mcoef=np.sum(ivar*coef)/a mcoeferr=1/np.sqrt(a) nsig=3. chi2=ivar_for_outliers*(coef-mcoef)**2 worst=np.argmax(chi2) if chi2[worst]>nsig**2*np.median(chi2[chi2>0]) : # with rough scaling of errors #log.debug("discard a bad measurement for fiber %d"%(fiber)) ivar[worst]=0 ivar_for_outliers[worst]=0 else : break if failed : continue"fiber #%03d throughput corr = %5.4f +- %5.4f (mean fiber flux=%f)"%(fiber,mcoef,mcoeferr,np.median(frame.flux[fiber]))) if mcoeferr>0.1 : log.warning("throughput corr error = %5.4f > 0.1 is too large for fiber %d, do not apply correction"%(mcoeferr,fiber)) else : corrections[fiber] = mcoef return corrections
[docs]def qa_skysub(param, frame, skymodel, quick_look=False): """Calculate QA on SkySubtraction Note: Pixels rejected in generating the SkyModel (as above), are not rejected in the stats calculated here. Would need to carry along current_ivar to do so. Args: param : dict of QA parameters : see qa_frame.init_skysub for example frame : desispec.Frame object; Should have been flat fielded skymodel : desispec.SkyModel object quick_look : bool, optional If True, do QuickLook specific QA (or avoid some) Returns: qadict: dict of QA outputs Need to record simple Python objects for yaml (str, float, int) """ from import qalib import copy log=get_logger() #- QAs #- first subtract sky to get the sky subtracted frame. This is only for QA. Pipeline does it separately. tempframe=copy.deepcopy(frame) #- make a copy so as to propagate frame unaffected so that downstream pipeline uses it. subtract_sky(tempframe,skymodel) #- Note: sky subtract is done to get residuals. As part of pipeline it is done in fluxcalib stage # Sky residuals first qadict = qalib.sky_resid(param, tempframe, skymodel, quick_look=quick_look) # Sky continuum if not quick_look: # Sky continuum is measured after flat fielding in QuickLook channel = frame.meta['CAMERA'][0] wrange1, wrange2 = param[channel.upper()+'_CONT'] skyfiber, contfiberlow, contfiberhigh, meancontfiber, skycont = qalib.sky_continuum(frame,wrange1,wrange2) qadict["SKYFIBERID"] = skyfiber.tolist() qadict["SKYCONT"] = skycont qadict["SKYCONT_FIBER"] = meancontfiber if quick_look: # The following can be a *large* dict qadict_snr = qalib.SignalVsNoise(tempframe,param) qadict.update(qadict_snr) return qadict