Source code for desispec.specscore


Spectral scores routines.
from __future__ import absolute_import
import numpy as np
from desispec.frame import Frame
from desiutil.log import get_logger

from desispec.util import ordered_unique

# Definition of hard-coded top hat filter sets for each camera B,R,Z.
# The top hat filters have to be fully contained in the sensitive region of each camera.

def _auto_detect_camera(frame) :
    if mwave<=tophat_wave["b"][1] : return "b"
    elif mwave>=tophat_wave["z"][0] : return "z"
    else : return "r"

[docs]def compute_coadd_scores(coadd, specscores=None, update_coadd=True): """Compute scores for a coadded Spectra object Args: coadd: a Spectra object from a coadd Options: update_coadd: if True, update coadd.scores specscores: scores Table from the uncoadded spectra including a TARGETID column Returns tuple of dictionaries (scores, comments); see compute_frame_scores ``specscores`` is used to update TSNR2 scores by summing inputs """ log = get_logger() scores = dict() comments = dict() scores['TARGETID'] = coadd.target_ids() comments['TARGETID'] = 'DESI Unique Target ID' #- if coadd.fibermap doesn't have FIBER, create dummy for Frame if 'FIBER' in coadd.fibermap.dtype.names: fibers = coadd.fibermap['FIBER'] else: fibers = -np.arange(len(coadd.fibermap)) if coadd.bands == ['brz']: #- i.e. this is a coadd across cameras fr = Frame(coadd.wave['brz'], coadd.flux['brz'], coadd.ivar['brz'], fibermap=coadd.fibermap, fibers=fibers, meta=coadd.meta, resolution_data=coadd.resolution_data['brz']) for band in ['b', 'r', 'z']: bandscores, bandcomments = compute_frame_scores(fr, band=band, suffix='COADD', flux_per_angstrom=True) scores.update(bandscores) comments.update(bandcomments) else: #- otherwise try individual bands, upper or lowercase for band in ['b', 'r', 'z', 'B', 'R', 'Z']: if band in coadd.bands: fr = Frame(coadd.wave[band], coadd.flux[band], coadd.ivar[band], fibermap=coadd.fibermap, fibers=fibers, meta=coadd.meta, resolution_data=coadd.resolution_data[band]) bandscores, bandcomments = compute_frame_scores(fr, band=band, suffix='COADD', flux_per_angstrom=True) scores.update(bandscores) comments.update(bandcomments) if specscores is not None: tsnrscores, tsnrcomments = compute_coadd_tsnr_scores(specscores) scores.update(tsnrscores) comments.update(tsnrcomments) #- convert to float32 for col in scores.keys(): if scores[col].dtype == np.float64: scores[col] = scores[col].astype(np.float32) if update_coadd: if hasattr(coadd, 'scores') and coadd.scores is not None: for key in scores: coadd.scores[key] = scores[key] coadd.scores_comments[key] = comments[key] else: coadd.scores = scores coadd.scores_comments = comments return scores, comments
[docs]def compute_coadd_tsnr_scores(specscores): """ Compute coadded TSNR2 scores (TSNR2=Template Signal-to-Noise squared) Args: specscores : uncoadded scores with TSNR2* columns (dict or Table-like) Returns (tsnrscores, comments) tuple of dictionaries """ log = get_logger() targetids = ordered_unique(specscores['TARGETID']) num_targets = len(targetids) tsnrscores = dict() comments = dict() tsnrscores['TARGETID'] = targetids #- Derive which TSNR2_XYZ_[BRZ] columns exist tsnrkeys = list() tsnrtypes = list() if isinstance(specscores, dict): _colnames = specscores.keys() else: _colnames = specscores.dtype.names for colname in _colnames: if colname.startswith('TSNR2_'): parts = colname.split('_') # Ignore brz coadded values as handled independently by adding b,r,z. if parts[-1] in ['b', 'r', 'z', 'B', 'R', 'Z']: _, targtype, band = parts tsnrscores[colname] = np.zeros(num_targets, dtype=np.float32) comments[colname] = f'{targtype} {band} template (S/N)^2' tsnrkeys.append(colname) if targtype not in tsnrtypes: tsnrtypes.append(targtype) if len(tsnrkeys) == 0: log.warning('No TSNR2_* scores found to coadd') else: #- Add TSNR2_*_B/R/Z columns summed across exposures for i, tid in enumerate(targetids): jj = specscores['TARGETID'] == tid for colname in tsnrkeys: tsnrscores[colname][i] = np.sum(specscores[colname][jj]) #- Additionally sum across B/R/Z for targtype in tsnrtypes: col = f'TSNR2_{targtype}' tsnrscores[col] = np.zeros(num_targets, dtype=np.float32) comments[col] = f'{targtype} template (S/N)^2 summed over B,R,Z' for band in ['B', 'R', 'Z']: colbrz = f'TSNR2_{targtype}_{band}' #- Missing cameras can result in missing columns, which #- should be treated as SNR=0 but not crash if colbrz in tsnrscores.keys(): tsnrscores[col] += tsnrscores[colbrz] return tsnrscores, comments
[docs]def compute_frame_scores(frame,band=None,suffix=None,flux_per_angstrom=None) : """Computes scores in spectra of a frame. The scores are sum,mean,medians in a predefined and fixed wavelength range for each DESI camera arm, or band, b, r or z. The band argument is optional because it can be automatically chosen from the wavelength range in the frame. The suffix is added to the key name in the output dictionnary, for instance 'RAW', 'SKYSUB', 'CALIB' ... The boolean argument flux_per_angstrom is needed if there is no 'BUNIT' keyword in frame.meta (frame fits header) Parameters ---------- frame : :class:`~desispec.frame.Frame` or :class:`~desispec.frame.QFrame` A Frame or a QFrame object. band : :class:`str`, optional Spectrograph band, ``b``, ``r``, ``z``, autodetected by default. suffix : :class:`str`, optional Character string added to the keywords in the output dictionary, for instance suffix='RAW' flux_per_angstrom : :class:`bool`, optional If ``True`` the spectra are assumed flux_per_angstrom, *i.e.* flux densities. If ``False``, the spectra are assumed to be counts or photo-electrons per bin. ``None`` by default in which case the ``frame.units`` string is read to find out whether the flux quantity is per unit wavelenght or per bin. Returns ------- :func:`tuple` A tuple containg a :class:`dict` of 1D arrays of size = number of spectra in frame and a :class:`dict` of string with comments on the type of scores. """ log=get_logger() if band is not None : if not band.lower() in tophat_wave.keys() : message="'{}' is not an allowed camera arm (has to be in {}, upper orlower case)".format(band,tophat_wave.keys()) log.error(message) raise KeyError(message) else : band = _auto_detect_camera(frame) is_a_frame = (len(frame.wave.shape)==1) mask=(frame.wave>=tophat_wave[band][0])*(frame.wave<tophat_wave[band][1]) if np.sum(mask)==0 : message="no intersection of frame wavelenght and tophat range {}".format(tophat_wave[band]) log.error(message) raise ValueError(message) scores = dict() comments = dict() ivar = frame.ivar ivar[ivar<0] *= 0. # make sure it's not negative if is_a_frame : dwave = np.gradient(frame.wave) else : # a qframe dwave = np.gradient(frame.wave,axis=1) if suffix is None : suffix="_" else : suffix="_%s_"%suffix if flux_per_angstrom is None : units=None if frame.meta is not None : if "BUNIT" in frame.meta : units=frame.meta["BUNIT"] if units is None : log.error("Cannot interpret the flux units because no BUNIT information in frame.meta, and the flux_per_angstrom argument is None. Returning empty dicts.") # return empty dicts scores=dict() comments=dict() return scores,comments denominator=units.strip().split("/")[-1] if denominator.find("A")>=0 : flux_per_angstrom=True elif denominator.find("bin")>=0 : flux_per_angstrom=False else : log.error("Cannot understand in the flux unit '%s' whether it is per Angstrom or per bin. Returning empty dicts.") # return empty dicts scores=dict() comments=dict() return scores,comments nspec=frame.flux.shape[0] if flux_per_angstrom : # we need to integrate the flux accounting for the wavelength bin k="INTEG%sFLUX_%s"%(suffix,band.upper()) if is_a_frame : scores[k] = np.sum(frame.flux[:,mask]*dwave[mask],axis=1) else : scores[k] = np.array([np.sum(frame.flux[i,mask[i]]*dwave[i,mask[i]]) for i in range(nspec)]) comments[k] = "integ. flux in wave. range {},{}A".format(tophat_wave[band][0],tophat_wave[band][1]) # simple median k="MEDIAN%sFLUX_%s"%(suffix,band.upper()) if is_a_frame : scores[k] = np.median(frame.flux[:,mask],axis=1) # already per angstrom else : scores[k] = np.array([np.median(frame.flux[i,mask[i]]) for i in range(nspec)]) comments[k] = "median flux in wave. range {},{}A".format(tophat_wave[band][0],tophat_wave[band][1]) else : # simple sum of counts k="SUM%sCOUNT_%s"%(suffix,band.upper()) if is_a_frame : scores[k] = np.sum(frame.flux[:,mask],axis=1) else : scores[k] = np.array([np.sum(frame.flux[i,mask[i]]) for i in range(nspec)]) comments[k] = "sum counts in wave. range {},{}A".format(tophat_wave[band][0],tophat_wave[band][1]) # median count per A k="MEDIAN%sCOUNT_%s"%(suffix,band.upper()) if is_a_frame : scores[k] = np.median(frame.flux[:,mask]/dwave[mask],axis=1) # per angstrom else : scores[k] = np.array([np.median(frame.flux[i,mask[i]]/dwave[i,mask[i]]) for i in range(nspec)]) comments[k] = "median counts/A in wave. range {},{}A".format(tophat_wave[band][0],tophat_wave[band][1]) # the signal to noise scales with sqrt(integration wavelength range) (same for uncalibrated or calibrated data) k="MEDIAN%sSNR_%s"%(suffix,band.upper()) if is_a_frame : scores[k] = np.median((np.sqrt(ivar[:,mask])*frame.flux[:,mask]/np.sqrt(dwave[mask])),axis=1) else : scores[k] = np.array([np.median(np.sqrt(ivar[i,mask[i]])*frame.flux[i,mask[i]]/np.sqrt(dwave[i,mask[i]])) for i in range(nspec)]) comments[k] = "median SNR/sqrt(A) in wave. range {},{}A".format(tophat_wave[band][0],tophat_wave[band][1]) return scores,comments
def append_frame_scores(frame,new_scores,new_comments,overwrite) : log = get_logger() if frame.scores is not None : scores = dict() comments = dict() # frame.scores can be a frame_scores_keys = None if isinstance(frame.scores, np.recarray) : frame_scores_keys = frame.scores.columns.names elif isinstance(frame.scores, dict) : frame_scores_keys = frame.scores.keys() else : log.error("I don't know how to handle the frame.scores class '%s'"%frame.scores.__class__) raise ValueError("I don't know how to handle the frame.scores class '%s'"%frame.scores.__class__) for k in frame_scores_keys : scores[k]=frame.scores[k] comments[k]="" if frame.scores_comments is not None : for k in comments.keys() : comments[k]= frame.scores_comments[k] for k in new_scores.keys() : if k in scores.keys() and not overwrite : log.warning("do not overwrite score {}".format(k)) else : scores[k] = new_scores[k] comments[k] = new_comments[k] else : scores = new_scores comments = new_comments frame.scores = scores frame.scores_comments = comments return scores,comments def compute_and_append_frame_scores(frame,band=None,suffix=None,flux_per_angstrom=False,overwrite=True) : new_scores,new_comments = compute_frame_scores(frame,band=band,suffix=suffix,flux_per_angstrom=flux_per_angstrom) return append_frame_scores(frame,new_scores,new_comments,overwrite=overwrite)