Source code for desispec.trace_shifts


from __future__ import absolute_import, division

import sys
import argparse
import time
import numpy as np
from numpy.linalg.linalg import LinAlgError
import as pyfits
from numpy.polynomial.legendre import legval,legfit
from scipy.signal import fftconvolve
import numba

from import read_image
from desiutil.log import get_logger
from desispec.linalg import cholesky_solve,cholesky_solve_and_invert
from desispec.interpolation import resample_flux
from desispec.qproc.qextract import qproc_boxcar_extraction

[docs]def write_traces_in_psf(input_psf_filename,output_psf_filename,xytraceset) : """ Writes traces in a PSF. Args: input_psf_filename : Path to input fits file which has to contain XTRACE and YTRACE HDUs output_psf_filename : Path to output fits file which has to contain XTRACE and YTRACE HDUs xytraceset : xytraceset """ xcoef=xytraceset.x_vs_wave_traceset._coeff ycoef=xytraceset.y_vs_wave_traceset._coeff wavemin=xytraceset.wavemin wavemax=xytraceset.wavemax log = get_logger() if "PSFTYPE" in psf_fits[0].header : psftype=psf_fits[0].header["PSFTYPE"] else : psftype=None modified_x=False modified_y=False if psftype is not None and psftype=="GAUSS-HERMITE" : if "X" in psf_fits["PSF"].data["PARAM"] : i=np.where(psf_fits["PSF"].data["PARAM"]=="X")[0][0] ishape=psf_fits["PSF"].data["COEFF"][i].shape if ishape != xcoef.shape : log.warning("xcoef from file and from arg don't have same shape : %s != %s"%(str(ishape),str(xcoef.shape))) n0=min(ishape[0],xcoef.shape[0]) n1=min(ishape[1],xcoef.shape[1]) psf_fits["PSF"].data["COEFF"][i] *= 0. psf_fits["PSF"].data["COEFF"][i][:n0,:n1]=xcoef[:n0,:n1] psf_fits["PSF"].data["WAVEMIN"][i]=wavemin psf_fits["PSF"].data["WAVEMAX"][i]=wavemax modified_x=True if "Y" in psf_fits["PSF"].data["PARAM"] : i=np.where(psf_fits["PSF"].data["PARAM"]=="Y")[0][0] ishape=psf_fits["PSF"].data["COEFF"][i].shape if ishape != ycoef.shape : log.warning("xcoef from file and from arg don't have same shape : %s != %s"%(str(ishape),str(ycoef.shape))) n0=min(psf_fits["PSF"].data["COEFF"][i].shape[0],ycoef.shape[0]) n1=min(psf_fits["PSF"].data["COEFF"][i].shape[1],ycoef.shape[1]) psf_fits["PSF"].data["COEFF"][i] *= 0. psf_fits["PSF"].data["COEFF"][i][:n0,:n1]=ycoef[:n0,:n1] psf_fits["PSF"].data["WAVEMIN"][i]=wavemin psf_fits["PSF"].data["WAVEMAX"][i]=wavemax modified_y=True if "XTRACE" in psf_fits : psf_fits["XTRACE"].data = xcoef psf_fits["XTRACE"].header["WAVEMIN"] = wavemin psf_fits["XTRACE"].header["WAVEMAX"] = wavemax modified_x=True if "YTRACE" in psf_fits : psf_fits["YTRACE"].data = ycoef psf_fits["YTRACE"].header["WAVEMIN"] = wavemin psf_fits["YTRACE"].header["WAVEMAX"] = wavemax modified_y=True if not modified_x : log.error("didn't change the X coefs in the psf: I/O error") raise IOError("didn't change the X coefs in the psf") if not modified_y : log.error("didn't change the Y coefs in the psf: I/O error") raise IOError("didn't change the Y coefs in the psf") if (xytraceset.meta is not None) and ("PSF" in psf_fits): for k in xytraceset.meta.keys() : psf_fits["PSF"].header[k] = xytraceset.meta[k] psf_fits.writeto(output_psf_filename,overwrite=True)"wrote traces and psf in %s"%output_psf_filename)
[docs]def legx(wave,wavemin,wavemax) : """ Reduced coordinate (range [-1,1]) for calls to legval and legfit Args: wave : ND np.array wavemin : float, min. val wavemax : float, max. val Returns: array of same shape as wave """ return 2.*(wave-wavemin)/(wavemax-wavemin)-1.
# beginning of routines for cross-correlation method for trace shifts
[docs]def boxcar_extraction_from_filenames(image_filename,psf_filename,fibers=None, width=7) : """ Fast boxcar extraction of spectra from a preprocessed image and a trace set Args: image_filename : input preprocessed fits filename psf_filename : input PSF fits filename Optional: fibers : 1D np.array of int (default is all fibers, the first fiber is always = 0) width : extraction boxcar width, default is 7 Returns: flux : 2D np.array of shape (nfibers,n0=image.shape[0]), sum of pixel values per row of length=width per fiber ivar : 2D np.array of shape (nfibers,n0), ivar[f,j] = 1/( sum_[j,b:e] (1/image.ivar) ), ivar=0 if at least 1 pixel in the row has image.ivar=0 or image.mask!=0 wave : 2D np.array of shape (nfibers,n0), determined from the traces """ tset = read_xytraceset(psf_filename) image = read_image(image_filename) qframe = qproc_boxcar_extraction(xytraceset,image,fibers=fibers,width=width) return qframe.flux, qframe.ivar, qframe.wave
[docs]def resample_boxcar_frame(frame_flux,frame_ivar,frame_wave,oversampling=2) : """ Resamples the spectra in a frame obtained with boxcar extraction to the same wavelength grid, with oversampling. Uses resample_flux routine. Args: frame_flux : 2D np.array of shape (nfibers,nwave), sum of pixel values per row of length=width per fiber frame_ivar : 2D np.array of shape (nfibers,nwave), ivar[f,j] = 1/( sum_[j,b:e] (1/image.ivar) ), ivar=0 if at least 1 pixel in the row has image.ivar=0 or image.mask!=0 frame_wave : 2D np.array of shape (nfibers,nwave), determined from the traces Optional: oversampling : int , oversampling factor , default is 2 Returns: flux : 2D np.array of shape (nfibers,nwave*oversampling) ivar : 2D np.array of shape (nfibers,nwave*oversampling) frame_wave : 1D np.array of size (nwave*oversampling) """ log=get_logger()"resampling with oversampling") t0=time.time() nfibers=frame_flux.shape[0] wave=frame_wave[nfibers//2] dwave=np.median(np.gradient(frame_wave))/oversampling wave=np.linspace(wave[0],wave[-1],int((wave[-1]-wave[0])/dwave)) nwave=wave.size flux=np.zeros((nfibers,nwave)) ivar=np.zeros((nfibers,nwave)) n1=frame_ivar.shape[1] for i in range(nfibers) :"resampling fiber #%03d"%i) #flux[i],ivar[i] = resample_flux(wave, frame_wave[i],frame_flux[i],frame_ivar[i]) # because I am oversampling, a linear interpolation is sufficient # increase the masked regions. for d in [-2,-1,1,2] : frame_ivar[i,2:n1-2][frame_ivar[i,2+d:n1-2+d]==0]=0 good=(frame_ivar[i]>0) if np.sum(good)>0 : flux[i] = np.interp(wave, frame_wave[i][good],frame_flux[i][good],left=0,right=0) ivar[i] = np.interp(wave, frame_wave[i],frame_ivar[i],left=0,right=0)/oversampling # larger variance, approximately else : log.warning("fiber {} has no valid data".format(i)) t1=time.time()"Resampled {} fibers in {:3.1f} sec".format(nfibers,t1-t0)) return flux,ivar,wave
# @numba.jit no real gain
[docs]def compute_dy_from_spectral_cross_correlation(flux,wave,refflux,ivar=None,hw=3., calibrate=False) : """ Measure y offsets from two spectra expected to be on the same wavelength grid. refflux is the assumed well calibrated spectrum. A relative flux calibration of the two spectra is done internally. Args: flux : 1D array of spectral flux as a function of wavelenght wave : 1D array of wavelength (in Angstrom) refflux : 1D array of reference spectral flux Optional: ivar : 1D array of inverse variance of flux hw : half width in Angstrom of the cross-correlation chi2 scan, default=3A corresponding approximatly to 5 pixels for DESI Returns: x : 1D array of x coordinates on CCD (axis=1 in numpy image array, AXIS=0 in FITS, cross-dispersion axis = fiber number direction) y : 1D array of y coordinates on CCD (axis=0 in numpy image array, AXIS=1 in FITS, wavelength dispersion axis) dx : 1D array of shifts along x coordinates on CCD ex : 1D array of uncertainties on dx fiber : 1D array of fiber ID (first fiber = 0) wave : 1D array of wavelength """ # absorb differences of calibration (fiberflat not yet applied) if calibrate: x=(wave-wave[wave.size//2])/500. kernel=np.exp(-x**2/2) f1=fftconvolve(flux,kernel,mode='same') f2=fftconvolve(refflux,kernel,mode='same') if np.all(f2>0) : scale=f1/f2 refflux *= scale error_floor=0.01 #A if ivar is None : ivar=np.ones(flux.shape) dwave=wave[1]-wave[0] ihw=int(hw/dwave)+1 chi2=np.zeros((2*ihw+1)) ndata=np.sum(ivar[ihw:-ihw]>0) for i in range(2*ihw+1) : d=i-ihw b=ihw+d e=-ihw+d if e==0 : e=wave.size chi2[i] = np.sum(ivar[ihw:-ihw]*(flux[ihw:-ihw]-refflux[b:e])**2) i=np.argmin(chi2) if i<2 or i>=chi2.size-2 : # something went wrong delta=0. sigma=100. else : # refine minimum hh=int(0.6/dwave)+1 b=i-hh e=i+hh+1 if b<0 : b=0 e=b+2*hh+1 if e>2*ihw+1 : e=2*ihw+1 b=e-(2*hh+1) x=dwave*(np.arange(b,e)-ihw) c=np.polyfit(x,chi2[b:e],2) if c[0]>0 : delta=-c[1]/(2.*c[0]) sigma=np.sqrt(1./c[0] + error_floor**2) # do not scale error bars using chi2pdf because the # two spectra do not necessarily match # (for instance dark vs bright time sky spectrum) else : # something else went wrong delta=0. sigma=100. ''' print("dw= %f +- %f"%(delta,sigma)) if np.abs(delta)>1. : print("chi2/ndf=%f/%d=%f"%(chi2[i],(ndata-1),chi2[i]/(ndata-1))) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt x=dwave*(np.arange(chi2.size)-ihw) plt.plot(x,chi2,"o-") pol=np.poly1d(c) xx=np.linspace(x[b],x[e-1],20) plt.plot(xx,pol(xx)) plt.axvline(delta) plt.axvline(delta-sigma) plt.axvline(delta+sigma) ''' return delta,sigma
[docs]def compute_dy_from_spectral_cross_correlations_of_frame(flux, ivar, wave , xcoef, ycoef, wavemin, wavemax, reference_flux , n_wavelength_bins = 4) : """ Measures y offsets from a set of resampled spectra and a reference spectrum that are on the same wavelength grid. reference_flux is the assumed well calibrated spectrum. Calls compute_dy_from_spectral_cross_correlation per fiber Args: flux : 2D np.array of shape (nfibers,nwave) ivar : 2D np.array of shape (nfibers,nwave) , inverse variance of flux wave : 1D array of wavelength (in Angstrom) of size nwave refflux : 1D array of reference spectral flux of size nwave Optional: n_wavelength_bins : number of bins along wavelength Returns: x : 1D array of x coordinates on CCD (axis=1 in numpy image array, AXIS=0 in FITS, cross-dispersion axis = fiber number direction) y : 1D array of y coordinates on CCD (axis=0 in numpy image array, AXIS=1 in FITS, wavelength dispersion axis) dy : 1D array of shifts along y coordinates on CCD ey : 1D array of uncertainties on dy fiber : 1D array of fiber ID (first fiber = 0) wave : 1D array of wavelength """ log=get_logger() x_for_dy=np.array([]) y_for_dy=np.array([]) dy=np.array([]) ey=np.array([]) fiber_for_dy=np.array([]) wave_for_dy=np.array([]) nfibers = flux.shape[0] for fiber in range(nfibers) : if fiber %10==0 :"computing dy for fiber #%03d"%fiber) for b in range(n_wavelength_bins) : wmin=wave[0]+((wave[-1]-wave[0])/n_wavelength_bins)*b if b<n_wavelength_bins-1 : wmax=wave[0]+((wave[-1]-wave[0])/n_wavelength_bins)*(b+1) else : wmax=wave[-1] ok=(wave>=wmin)&(wave<=wmax) sw=np.sum(ivar[fiber,ok]*flux[fiber,ok]*(flux[fiber,ok]>0)) if sw<=0 : continue dwave,err = compute_dy_from_spectral_cross_correlation(flux[fiber,ok],wave[ok],reference_flux[ok],ivar=ivar[fiber,ok]*reference_flux[ok],hw=3., calibrate=True) if err > 1 : continue block_wave = np.sum(ivar[fiber,ok]*flux[fiber,ok]*(flux[fiber,ok]>0)*wave[ok])/sw rw = legx(block_wave,wavemin,wavemax) tx = legval(rw,xcoef[fiber]) ty = legval(rw,ycoef[fiber]) eps=0.1 yp = legval(legx(block_wave+eps,wavemin,wavemax),ycoef[fiber]) dydw = (yp-ty)/eps tdy = -dwave*dydw tey = err*dydw x_for_dy=np.append(x_for_dy,tx) y_for_dy=np.append(y_for_dy,ty) dy=np.append(dy,tdy) ey=np.append(ey,tey) fiber_for_dy=np.append(fiber_for_dy,fiber) wave_for_dy=np.append(wave_for_dy,block_wave) return x_for_dy,y_for_dy,dy,ey,fiber_for_dy,wave_for_dy
[docs]def compute_dy_using_boxcar_extraction(xytraceset, image, fibers, width=7, degyy=2) : """ Measures y offsets (internal wavelength calibration) from a preprocessed image and a trace set using a cross-correlation of boxcar extracted spectra. Uses boxcar_extraction , resample_boxcar_frame , compute_dy_from_spectral_cross_correlations_of_frame Args: xytraceset : XYTraceset object image : DESI preprocessed image object Optional: fibers : 1D np.array of int (default is all fibers, the first fiber is always = 0) width : int, extraction boxcar width, default is 7 degyy : int, degree of polynomial fit of shifts as a function of y, used to reject outliers. Returns: x : 1D array of x coordinates on CCD (axis=1 in numpy image array, AXIS=0 in FITS, cross-dispersion axis = fiber number direction) y : 1D array of y coordinates on CCD (axis=0 in numpy image array, AXIS=1 in FITS, wavelength dispersion axis) dy : 1D array of shifts along y coordinates on CCD ey : 1D array of uncertainties on dy fiber : 1D array of fiber ID (first fiber = 0) wave : 1D array of wavelength """ log=get_logger() # boxcar extraction qframe = qproc_boxcar_extraction(xytraceset, image, fibers=fibers, width=7) # resampling on common finer wavelength grid flux, ivar, wave = resample_boxcar_frame(qframe.flux, qframe.ivar, qframe.wave, oversampling=4) # median flux used as internal spectral reference mflux=np.median(flux,axis=0) # measure y shifts wavemin = xytraceset.wavemin wavemax = xytraceset.wavemax xcoef = xytraceset.x_vs_wave_traceset._coeff ycoef = xytraceset.y_vs_wave_traceset._coeff return compute_dy_from_spectral_cross_correlations_of_frame(flux=flux, ivar=ivar, wave=wave, xcoef=xcoef, ycoef=ycoef, wavemin=wavemin, wavemax=wavemax, reference_flux = mflux , n_wavelength_bins = degyy+4)
@numba.jit def numba_cross_profile(image_flux,image_ivar,x,wave,hw=3) : n0=image_flux.shape[0] swdx=np.zeros(n0) sw=np.zeros(n0) svar=np.zeros(n0) swy=np.zeros(n0) swx=np.zeros(n0) swl=np.zeros(n0) for j in range(n0) : for i in range(int(x[j]-hw),int(x[j]+hw+1)) : if image_ivar[j,i]==0 : swdx[j]=0 sw[j]=0 break swdx[j] += (i-x[j])*image_flux[j,i] sw[j] += image_flux[j,i] svar[j] += 1./image_ivar[j,i] swy[j] = sw[j]*j swx[j] = sw[j]*x[j] swl[j] = sw[j]*wave[j] return swdx,sw,svar,swy,swx,swl
[docs]def compute_dx_from_cross_dispersion_profiles(xcoef,ycoef,wavemin,wavemax, image, fibers, width=7,deg=2,image_rebin=4) : """ Measure x offsets from a preprocessed image and a trace set Args: xcoef : 2D np.array of shape (nfibers,ncoef) containing Legendre coefficents for each fiber to convert wavelenght to XCCD ycoef : 2D np.array of shape (nfibers,ncoef) containing Legendre coefficents for each fiber to convert wavelenght to YCCD wavemin : float wavemax : float. wavemin and wavemax are used to define a reduced variable legx(wave,wavemin,wavemax)=2*(wave-wavemin)/(wavemax-wavemin)-1 used to compute the traces, xccd=legval(legx(wave,wavemin,wavemax),xtrace[fiber]) image : DESI preprocessed image object fibers : 1D np.array of int (default is all fibers, the first fiber is always = 0) Optional: width : extraction boxcar width, default is 5 deg : degree of polynomial fit as a function of y, only used to find and mask outliers image_rebin : rebinning of CCD rows to run faster (with rebin=4 loss of precision <0.01 pixel) Returns: x : 1D array of x coordinates on CCD (axis=1 in numpy image array, AXIS=0 in FITS, cross-dispersion axis = fiber number direction) y : 1D array of y coordinates on CCD (axis=0 in numpy image array, AXIS=1 in FITS, wavelength dispersion axis) dx : 1D array of shifts along x coordinates on CCD ex : 1D array of uncertainties on dx fiber : 1D array of fiber ID (first fiber = 0) wave : 1D array of wavelength """ log=get_logger()"Starting compute_dx_from_cross_dispersion_profiles with width={} deg={} rebin={}...".format(width,deg,image_rebin)) t0=time.time() if fibers is None : fibers = np.arange(psf.nspec)"wavelength range : [%f,%f]"%(wavemin,wavemax)) if image.mask is not None : image_ivar = image.ivar*(image.mask==0) else : image_ivar = image.ivar error_floor = 0.04 # pixel n0 = image.pix.shape[0] n1 = image.pix.shape[1] # image rebinning to got faster !!! if image_rebin>1 : pix=image.pix[:(n0//image_rebin)*image_rebin,:].reshape(n0//image_rebin,image_rebin,n1).sum(1) ivar=image_ivar[:(n0//image_rebin)*image_rebin,:].reshape(n0//image_rebin,image_rebin,n1) hasnozero=(np.sum(ivar==0,axis=1)==0) ivar=ivar.sum(1)*hasnozero n0 = pix.shape[0] else : pix = image.pix ivar = image_ivar y = np.arange(n0)+0.5 # this 0.5 is important when rebinning to avoid a bias on y (here y = CCD_rows//rebin + 0.5 ) xx = np.tile(np.arange(n1),(n0,1)) hw = width//2 ncoef=ycoef.shape[1] twave=np.linspace(wavemin, wavemax, n0) rwave=legx(twave, wavemin, wavemax) ox=np.array([]) oy=np.array([]) odx=np.array([]) oex=np.array([]) of=np.array([]) ol=np.array([]) dt=0. for f,fiber in enumerate(fibers) : #"computing dx for fiber #%03d"%fiber) # the following 5 lines take 0.25 sec for all 500 fibers ty = legval(rwave, ycoef[fiber])/image_rebin tx = legval(rwave, xcoef[fiber]) wave_of_y = np.interp(y,ty,twave) x_of_y = np.interp(y,ty,tx) swdx,sw,svar,swy,swx,swl = numba_cross_profile(pix,ivar,x_of_y,wave_of_y,hw=hw) # rebin tn0 = sw.size rebin = 100//image_rebin sw = sw[:(tn0//rebin)*rebin].reshape(tn0//rebin,rebin).sum(-1) swdx = swdx[:(tn0//rebin)*rebin].reshape(tn0//rebin,rebin).sum(-1) svar = svar[:(tn0//rebin)*rebin].reshape(tn0//rebin,rebin).sum(-1) swx = swx[:(tn0//rebin)*rebin].reshape(tn0//rebin,rebin).sum(-1) swy = swy[:(tn0//rebin)*rebin].reshape(tn0//rebin,rebin).sum(-1) swl = swl[:(tn0//rebin)*rebin].reshape(tn0//rebin,rebin).sum(-1) snr = sw/np.sqrt(svar+(svar==0)) # signal to noise in bin ok = (snr>3) # keep only high snr pixels fex = np.sqrt( (20./snr[ok])**2 + 0.01**2) # uncertainties scale as snr fdx = (swdx/(sw+(sw==0)))[ok] fx = (swx/(sw+(sw==0)))[ok] fy = (swy/(sw+(sw==0)))[ok]*image_rebin-0.5 fl = (swl/(sw+(sw==0)))[ok] good_fiber=True for loop in range(10) : if fdx.size < deg+2 : good_fiber=False break try : c = np.polyfit(fy,fdx,deg,w=1/fex**2) pol = np.poly1d(c) chi2 = (fdx-pol(fy))**2/fex**2 mchi2 = 2*np.median(chi2) ok = np.where(chi2<=9.*mchi2)[0] nbad = fdx.size-ok.size if nbad > 0 : log.debug("fiber {} loop {} mchi2 = {}, nbad= {}".format(fiber,loop,mchi2,nbad)) fex = fex[ok] fdx = fdx[ok] fx = fx[ok] fy = fy[ok] fl = fl[ok] except LinAlgError : good_fiber=False break if nbad==0 : break """ plt.errorbar(fy,fdx,fex,fmt="o") plt.plot(fy,pol(fy),"-") """ # we return the original sample of offset values if good_fiber : ox = np.append(ox,fx) oy = np.append(oy,fy) odx = np.append(odx,fdx) oex = np.append(oex,fex) of = np.append(of,fiber*np.ones(fy.size)) ol = np.append(ol,fl) t1=time.time()"computing dx for {} fibers in {} sec".format(len(fibers),t1-t0)) return ox,oy,odx,oex,of,ol
[docs]def shift_ycoef_using_external_spectrum(psf,xytraceset,image,fibers,spectrum_filename,degyy=2,width=7) : """ Measure y offsets (external wavelength calibration) from a preprocessed image , a PSF + trace set using a cross-correlation of boxcar extracted spectra and an external well-calibrated spectrum. The PSF shape is used to convolve the input spectrum. It could also be used to correct for the PSF asymetry (disabled for now). A relative flux calibration of the spectra is performed internally. Args: psf : specter PSF xytraceset : XYTraceset object image : DESI preprocessed image object fibers : 1D np.array of fiber indices spectrum_filename : path to input spectral file ( read with np.loadtxt , first column is wavelength (in vacuum and Angstrom) , second column in flux (arb. units) Optional: width : int, extraction boxcar width, default is 7 degyy : int, degree of polynomial fit of shifts as a function of y, used to reject outliers. Returns: ycoef : 2D np.array of same shape as input, with modified Legendre coefficents for each fiber to convert wavelenght to YCCD """ log = get_logger() wavemin = xytraceset.wavemin wavemax = xytraceset.wavemax xcoef = xytraceset.x_vs_wave_traceset._coeff ycoef = xytraceset.y_vs_wave_traceset._coeff tmp=np.loadtxt(spectrum_filename).T ref_wave=tmp[0] ref_spectrum=tmp[1]"read reference spectrum in %s with %d entries"%(spectrum_filename,ref_wave.size))"rextract spectra with boxcar") # boxcar extraction qframe = qproc_boxcar_extraction(xytraceset, image, fibers=fibers, width=7) # resampling on common finer wavelength grid flux, ivar, wave = resample_boxcar_frame(qframe.flux, qframe.ivar, qframe.wave, oversampling=2) # median flux used as internal spectral reference mflux=np.median(flux,axis=0) mivar=np.median(ivar,axis=0)*flux.shape[0]*(2./np.pi) # very appoximate ! # trim ref_spectrum i=(ref_wave>=wave[0])&(ref_wave<=wave[-1]) ref_wave=ref_wave[i] ref_spectrum=ref_spectrum[i] # check wave is linear or make it linear if np.abs((ref_wave[1]-ref_wave[0])-(ref_wave[-1]-ref_wave[-2]))>0.0001*(ref_wave[1]-ref_wave[0]) :"reference spectrum wavelength is not on a linear grid, resample it") dwave = np.min(np.gradient(ref_wave)) tmp_wave = np.linspace(ref_wave[0],ref_wave[-1],int((ref_wave[-1]-ref_wave[0])/dwave)) ref_spectrum = resample_flux(tmp_wave, ref_wave , ref_spectrum) ref_wave = tmp_wave i=np.argmax(ref_spectrum) central_wave_for_psf_evaluation = ref_wave[i] fiber_for_psf_evaluation = (flux.shape[0]//2) try : # compute psf at most significant line of ref_spectrum dwave=ref_wave[i+1]-ref_wave[i] hw=int(3./dwave)+1 # 3A half width wave_range = ref_wave[i-hw:i+hw+1] x,y=psf.xy(fiber_for_psf_evaluation,wave_range) x=np.tile(x[hw]+np.arange(-hw,hw+1)*(y[-1]-y[0])/(2*hw+1),(y.size,1)) y=np.tile(y,(2*hw+1,1)).T kernel2d=psf._value(x,y,fiber_for_psf_evaluation,central_wave_for_psf_evaluation) kernel1d=np.sum(kernel2d,axis=1)"convolve reference spectrum using PSF at fiber %d and wavelength %dA"%(fiber_for_psf_evaluation,central_wave_for_psf_evaluation)) ref_spectrum=fftconvolve(ref_spectrum,kernel1d, mode='same') except : log.warning("couldn't convolve reference spectrum: %s %s"%(sys.exc_info()[0],sys.exc_info()[1])) # resample input spectrum"resample convolved reference spectrum") ref_spectrum = resample_flux(wave, ref_wave , ref_spectrum)"absorb difference of calibration") x=(wave-wave[wave.size//2])/50. kernel=np.exp(-x**2/2) f1=fftconvolve(mflux,kernel,mode='same') f2=fftconvolve(ref_spectrum,kernel,mode='same') if np.all(f2>0) : scale=f1/f2 ref_spectrum *= scale"fit shifts on wavelength bins") # define bins n_wavelength_bins = degyy+4 y_for_dy=np.array([]) dy=np.array([]) ey=np.array([]) wave_for_dy=np.array([]) for b in range(n_wavelength_bins) : wmin=wave[0]+((wave[-1]-wave[0])/n_wavelength_bins)*b if b<n_wavelength_bins-1 : wmax=wave[0]+((wave[-1]-wave[0])/n_wavelength_bins)*(b+1) else : wmax=wave[-1] ok=(wave>=wmin)&(wave<=wmax) sw= np.sum(mflux[ok]*(mflux[ok]>0)) if sw==0 : continue dwave,err = compute_dy_from_spectral_cross_correlation(mflux[ok],wave[ok],ref_spectrum[ok],ivar=mivar[ok],hw=10.) bin_wave = np.sum(mflux[ok]*(mflux[ok]>0)*wave[ok])/sw x,y=psf.xy(fiber_for_psf_evaluation,bin_wave) eps=0.1 x,yp=psf.xy(fiber_for_psf_evaluation,bin_wave+eps) dydw=(yp-y)/eps if err*dydw<1 : dy=np.append(dy,-dwave*dydw) ey=np.append(ey,err*dydw) wave_for_dy=np.append(wave_for_dy,bin_wave) y_for_dy=np.append(y_for_dy,y)"wave = %fA , y=%d, measured dwave = %f +- %f A"%(bin_wave,y,dwave,err)) if False : # we don't need this for now try :"correcting bias due to asymmetry of PSF") hw=5 oversampling=4 xx=np.tile(np.arange(2*hw*oversampling+1)-hw*oversampling,(2*hw*oversampling+1,1))/float(oversampling) yy=xx.T x,y=psf.xy(fiber_for_psf_evaluation,central_wave_for_psf_evaluation) prof=psf._value(xx+x,yy+y,fiber_for_psf_evaluation,central_wave_for_psf_evaluation) dy_asym_central = np.sum(yy*prof)/np.sum(prof) for i in range(dy.size) : x,y=psf.xy(fiber_for_psf_evaluation,wave_for_dy[i]) prof=psf._value(xx+x,yy+y,fiber_for_psf_evaluation,wave_for_dy[i]) dy_asym = np.sum(yy*prof)/np.sum(prof)"y=%f, measured dy=%f , bias due to PSF asymetry = %f"%(y,dy[i],dy_asym-dy_asym_central)) dy[i] -= (dy_asym-dy_asym_central) except : log.warning("couldn't correct for asymmetry of PSF: %s %s"%(sys.exc_info()[0],sys.exc_info()[1]))"polynomial fit of shifts and modification of PSF ycoef") # pol fit coef = np.polyfit(wave_for_dy,dy,degyy,w=1./ey**2) pol = np.poly1d(coef) for i in range(dy.size) :"wave=%fA y=%f, measured dy=%f+-%f , pol(wave) = %f"%(wave_for_dy[i],y_for_dy[i],dy[i],ey[i],pol(wave_for_dy[i])))"apply this to the PSF ycoef") wave = np.linspace(wavemin,wavemax,100) dy = pol(wave) dycoef = legfit(legx(wave,wavemin,wavemax),dy,deg=ycoef.shape[1]-1) for fiber in range(ycoef.shape[0]) : ycoef[fiber] += dycoef return ycoef
# end of routines for cross-correlation method for trace shifts # beginning of routines for forward model method for trace shifts
[docs]def compute_fiber_bundle_trace_shifts_using_psf(fibers,line,psf,image,maxshift=2.) : """ Computes trace shifts along x and y from a preprocessed image, a PSF (with trace coords), and a given emission line, by doing a forward model of the image. Args: fibers : 1D array with list of fibers line : float, wavelength of an emission line (in Angstrom) psf : specter psf object image : DESI preprocessed image object Optional: maxshift : float maximum shift in pixels for 2D chi2 scan Returns: x : 1D array of x coordinates on CCD (axis=1 in numpy image array, AXIS=0 in FITS, cross-dispersion axis = fiber number direction) y : 1D array of y coordinates on CCD (axis=0 in numpy image array, AXIS=1 in FITS, wavelength dispersion axis) dx : 1D array of shifts along x coordinates on CCD dy : 1D array of shifts along y coordinates on CCD sx : 1D array of uncertainties on dx sy : 1D array of uncertainties on dy """ log=get_logger()"compute_fiber_bundle_offsets fibers={} line={}".format(fibers,line)) # get central coordinates of bundle for interpolation of offsets on CCD x,y = psf.xy([int(np.median(fibers)),],line) try : nfibers=len(fibers) # compute stamp coordinates xstart=None xstop=None ystart=None ystop=None xs=[] ys=[] pix=[] xx=[] yy=[] for fiber in fibers : txs,tys,tpix = psf.xypix(fiber,line) xs.append(txs) ys.append(tys) pix.append(tpix) if xstart is None : xstart =txs.start xstop =txs.stop ystart =tys.start ystop =tys.stop else : xstart =min(xstart,txs.start) xstop =max(xstop,txs.stop) ystart =min(ystart,tys.start) ystop =max(ystop,tys.stop) # load stamp data, with margins to avoid problems with shifted psf margin=int(maxshift)+1 stamp=np.zeros((ystop-ystart+2*margin,xstop-xstart+2*margin)) stampivar=np.zeros(stamp.shape) stamp[margin:-margin,margin:-margin]=image.pix[ystart:ystop,xstart:xstop] stampivar[margin:-margin,margin:-margin]=image.ivar[ystart:ystop,xstart:xstop] # will use a fixed footprint despite changes of psf stamps # so that chi2 always based on same data set footprint=np.zeros(stamp.shape) for i in range(nfibers) : footprint[margin-ystart+ys[i].start:margin-ystart+ys[i].stop,margin-xstart+xs[i].start:margin-xstart+xs[i].stop]=1 #plt.imshow(footprint) ; ; sys.exit(12) # define grid of shifts to test res=0.5 nshift=int(maxshift/res) dx=res*np.tile(np.arange(2*nshift+1)-nshift,(2*nshift+1,1)) dy=dx.T original_shape=dx.shape dx=dx.ravel() dy=dy.ravel() chi2=np.zeros(dx.shape) A=np.zeros((nfibers,nfibers)) B=np.zeros((nfibers)) mods=np.zeros(np.zeros(nfibers).shape+stamp.shape) debugging=False if debugging : # FOR DEBUGGING KEEP MODELS models=[] # loop on possible shifts # refit fluxes and compute chi2 for d in range(len(dx)) : # print(d,dx[d],dy[d]) A *= 0 B *= 0 mods *= 0 for i,fiber in enumerate(fibers) : # apply the PSF shift psf._cache={} # reset cache !! psf.coeff['X']._coeff[fiber][0] += dx[d] psf.coeff['Y']._coeff[fiber][0] += dy[d] # compute pix and paste on stamp frame xx, yy, pix = psf.xypix(fiber,line) mods[i][margin-ystart+yy.start:margin-ystart+yy.stop,margin-xstart+xx.start:margin-xstart+xx.stop]=pix # undo the PSF shift psf.coeff['X']._coeff[fiber][0] -= dx[d] psf.coeff['Y']._coeff[fiber][0] -= dy[d] B[i] = np.sum(stampivar*stamp*mods[i]) for j in range(i+1) : A[i,j] = np.sum(stampivar*mods[i]*mods[j]) if j!=i : A[j,i] = A[i,j] Ai=np.linalg.inv(A) model=np.zeros(stamp.shape) for i in range(nfibers) : model += flux[i]*mods[i] chi2[d]=np.sum(stampivar*(stamp-model)**2) if debugging : models.append(model) if debugging : schi2=chi2.reshape(original_shape).copy() # FOR DEBUGGING sdx=dx.copy() sdy=dy.copy() # find minimum chi2 grid point k = chi2.argmin() j,i = np.unravel_index(k, ((2*nshift+1),(2*nshift+1))) #print("node dx,dy=",dx.reshape(original_shape)[j,i],dy.reshape(original_shape)[j,i]) # cut a region around minimum delta=1 istart=max(0,i-delta) istop=min(2*nshift+1,i+delta+1) jstart=max(0,j-delta) jstop=min(2*nshift+1,j+delta+1) chi2=chi2.reshape(original_shape)[jstart:jstop,istart:istop].ravel() dx=dx.reshape(original_shape)[jstart:jstop,istart:istop].ravel() dy=dy.reshape(original_shape)[jstart:jstop,istart:istop].ravel() # fit 2D polynomial of deg2 m = np.array([dx*0+1, dx, dy, dx**2, dy**2, dx*dy ]).T c, r, rank, s = np.linalg.lstsq(m, chi2) if c[3]>0 and c[4]>0 : # get minimum # dchi2/dx=0 : c[1]+2*c[3]*dx+c[5]*dy = 0 # dchi2/dy=0 : c[2]+2*c[4]*dy+c[5]*dx = 0 a=np.array([[2*c[3],c[5]],[c[5],2*c[4]]]) b=np.array([c[1],c[2]]) t=-np.linalg.inv(a).dot(b) dx=t[0] dy=t[1] sx=1./np.sqrt(c[3]) sy=1./np.sqrt(c[4]) #print("interp dx,dy=",dx,dy) if debugging : # FOR DEBUGGING import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.figure() plt.subplot(2,2,1,title="chi2") plt.imshow(schi2,extent=(-nshift*res,nshift*res,-nshift*res,nshift*res),origin=0,interpolation="nearest") plt.plot(dx,dy,"+",color="white",ms=20) plt.xlabel("x") plt.ylabel("y") plt.subplot(2,2,2,title="data") plt.imshow(stamp*footprint,origin=0,interpolation="nearest") plt.grid() k0=np.argmin(sdx**2+sdy**2) plt.subplot(2,2,3,title="original psf") plt.imshow(models[k0],origin=0,interpolation="nearest") plt.grid() plt.subplot(2,2,4,title="shifted psf") plt.imshow(models[k],origin=0,interpolation="nearest") plt.grid() else : log.warning("fit failed (bad chi2 surf.) for fibers [%d:%d] line=%dA"%(fibers[0],fibers[-1]+1,int(line))) dx=0. dy=0. sx=10. sy=10. except LinAlgError : log.warning("fit failed (masked or missing data) for fibers [%d:%d] line=%dA"%(fibers[0],fibers[-1]+1,int(line))) dx=0. dy=0. sx=10. sy=10. return x,y,dx,dy,sx,sy
[docs]def compute_dx_dy_using_psf(psf,image,fibers,lines) : """ Computes trace shifts along x and y from a preprocessed image, a PSF (with trace coords), and a set of emission lines, by doing a forward model of the image. Calls compute_fiber_bundle_trace_shifts_using_psf. Args: psf : specter psf object image : DESI preprocessed image object fibers : 1D array with list of fibers lines : 1D array of wavelength of emission lines (in Angstrom) Returns: x : 1D array of x coordinates on CCD (axis=1 in numpy image array, AXIS=0 in FITS, cross-dispersion axis = fiber number direction) y : 1D array of y coordinates on CCD (axis=0 in numpy image array, AXIS=1 in FITS, wavelength dispersion axis) dx : 1D array of shifts along x coordinates on CCD dy : 1D array of shifts along y coordinates on CCD sx : 1D array of uncertainties on dx sy : 1D array of uncertainties on dy fiber : 1D array of fiber ID wave : 1D array of wavelength """ log = get_logger() nlines=len(lines) nfibers=len(fibers)"computing spots coordinates and define bundles") x=np.zeros((nfibers,nlines)) y=np.zeros((nfibers,nlines)) # load expected spots coordinates for fiber in range(nfibers) : for l,line in enumerate(lines) : x[fiber,l],y[fiber,l] = psf.xy(fiber,line) bundle_fibers=[] bundle_xmin=[] bundle_xmax=[] xwidth=9. bundle_xmin.append(x[0,nlines//2]-xwidth/2) bundle_xmax.append(x[0,nlines//2]+xwidth/2) bundle_fibers.append([0,]) for fiber in range(1,nfibers) : tx=x[fiber,nlines//2] found=False for b in range(len(bundle_fibers)) : if tx+xwidth/2 >= bundle_xmin[b] and tx-xwidth/2 <= bundle_xmax[b] : found=True bundle_fibers[b].append(fiber) bundle_xmin[b]=min(bundle_xmin[b],tx-xwidth/2) bundle_xmax[b]=max(bundle_xmax[b],tx+xwidth/2) break if not found : bundle_fibers.append([fiber,]) bundle_xmin.append(tx-xwidth/2) bundle_xmax.append(tx+xwidth/2)"measure offsets dx dy per bundle ({}) and spectral line ({})".format(len(bundle_fibers),len(lines))) wave_xy=np.array([]) # line fiber_xy=np.array([]) # central fiber in bundle x=np.array([]) # central x in bundle at line wavelength y=np.array([]) # central x in bundle at line wavelength dx=np.array([]) # measured offset along x dy=np.array([]) # measured offset along y ex=np.array([]) # measured offset uncertainty along x ey=np.array([]) # measured offset uncertainty along y for b in range(len(bundle_fibers)) : for l,line in enumerate(lines) : tx,ty,tdx,tdy,tex,tey = compute_fiber_bundle_trace_shifts_using_psf(fibers=bundle_fibers[b],psf=psf,image=image,line=line)"fibers [%d:%d] %dA dx=%4.3f+-%4.3f dy=%4.3f+-%4.3f"%(bundle_fibers[b][0],bundle_fibers[b][-1]+1,int(line),tdx,tex,tdy,tey)) if tex<1. and tey<1. : wave_xy=np.append(wave_xy,line) fiber_xy=np.append(fiber_xy,int(np.median(bundle_fibers[b]))) x=np.append(x,tx) y=np.append(y,ty) dx=np.append(dx,tdx) dy=np.append(dy,tdy) ex=np.append(ex,tex) ey=np.append(ey,tey) return x,y,dx,ex,dy,ey,fiber_xy,wave_xy
# end of routines for forward model method
[docs]def monomials(x,y,degx,degy) : """ Computes monomials as a function of x and y of a 2D polynomial of degrees degx and degy Args: x : ND array y : ND array of same shape as x degx : int (>=0), polynomial degree along x degy : int (>=0), polynomial degree along y Returns : monomials : ND array of shape ( (degx+1)*(degy+1) , x shape ) """ M=[] for i in range(degx+1) : for j in range(degy+1) : M.append(x**i*y**j) return np.array(M)
[docs]def polynomial_fit(z,ez,xx,yy,degx,degy) : """ Computes and 2D polynomial fit of z as a function of (x,y) of degrees degx and degy Args: z : ND array ez : ND array of same shape as z, uncertainties on z x : ND array of same shape as z y : ND array of same shape as z degx : int (>=0), polynomial degree along x degy : int (>=0), polynomial degree along y Returns: coeff : 1D array of size (degx+1)*(degy+1) with polynomial coefficients (as defined by routine monomials) covariance : 2D array of covariance of coeff error_floor : float , extra uncertainty needed to get chi2/ndf=1 polval : ND array of same shape as z with values of pol(x,y) mask : ND array of same shape as z indicating the masked data points in the fit """ M=monomials(x=xx,y=yy,degx=degx,degy=degy) error_floor = 0. npar=M.shape[0] A=np.zeros((npar,npar)) B=np.zeros((npar)) mask=np.ones(z.shape).astype(int) for loop in range(100) : # loop to increase errors w=1./(ez**2+error_floor**2) w[mask==0]=0. A *= 0. B *= 0. for k in range(npar) : B[k]=np.sum(w*z*M[k]) for l in range(k+1) : A[k,l]=np.sum(w*M[k]*M[l]) if l!=k : A[l,k]=A[k,l] coeff=cholesky_solve(A,B) polval = # compute rchi2 with median ndata=np.sum(w>0) rchi2=1.4826*np.median(np.sqrt(w)*np.abs(z-polval))*ndata/float(ndata-npar) # std chi2 rchi2_std = np.sum(w*(z-polval)**2)/(ndata-npar) #print("#%d rchi2=%f rchi2_std=%f ngood=%d nbad=%d error floor=%f"%(loop,rchi2,rchi2_std,ndata,np.sum(w==0),error_floor)) # reject huge outliers nbad=0 rvar=w*(z-polval)**2 worst=np.argmax(rvar) if rvar[worst] > 25*max(rchi2,1.2) : # cap rchi2 if starting point is very bad #print("remove one bad measurement at %2.1f sigmas"%np.sqrt(rvar[worst])) mask[worst]=0 nbad=1 if rchi2>1 : if nbad==0 or loop>5 : error_floor+=0.002 if rchi2<=1. and nbad==0 : break # rerun chol. solve to get covariance coeff,covariance=cholesky_solve_and_invert(A,B) return coeff,covariance,error_floor,polval,mask
[docs]def recompute_legendre_coefficients(xcoef,ycoef,wavemin,wavemax,degxx,degxy,degyx,degyy,dx_coeff,dy_coeff) : """ Modifies legendre coefficients of an input trace set using polynomial coefficents (as defined by the routine monomials) Args: xcoef : 2D np.array of shape (nfibers,ncoef) containing Legendre coefficents for each fiber to convert wavelenght to XCCD ycoef : 2D np.array of shape (nfibers,ncoef) containing Legendre coefficents for each fiber to convert wavelenght to YCCD wavemin : float wavemax : float. wavemin and wavemax are used to define a reduced variable legx(wave,wavemin,wavemax)=2*(wave-wavemin)/(wavemax-wavemin)-1 used to compute the traces, xccd=legval(legx(wave,wavemin,wavemax),xtrace[fiber]) degxx : int, degree of polynomial for x shifts as a function of x (x is axis=1 in numpy image array, AXIS=0 in FITS, cross-dispersion axis = fiber number direction) degxy : int, degree of polynomial for x shifts as a function of y (y is axis=0 in numpy image array, AXIS=1 in FITS, wavelength dispersion axis) degyx : int, degree of polynomial for y shifts as a function of x degyy : int, degree of polynomial for y shifts as a function of y dx_coeff : 1D np.array of polynomial coefficients of size (degxx*degxy) as defined by the routine monomials. dy_coeff : 1D np.array of polynomial coefficients of size (degyx*degyy) as defined by the routine monomials. Returns: xcoef : 2D np.array of shape (nfibers,ncoef) with modified Legendre coefficents ycoef : 2D np.array of shape (nfibers,ncoef) with modified Legendre coefficents """ wave=np.linspace(wavemin,wavemax,100) nfibers=xcoef.shape[0] rw=legx(wave,wavemin,wavemax) for fiber in range(nfibers) : x = legval(rw,xcoef[fiber]) y = legval(rw,ycoef[fiber]) m=monomials(x,y,degxx,degxy) xcoef[fiber]=legfit(rw,x+dx,deg=xcoef.shape[1]-1) m=monomials(x,y,degyx,degyy) ycoef[fiber]=legfit(rw,y+dy,deg=ycoef.shape[1]-1) return xcoef,ycoef